This repository contains the resources and scripts to generate the models and the workspaces for Rviz, MoveIt, Gazebo and iKin. The models (URDF, SDF and DH parameters) are generated using a custom python script and copied inside of the proper folders.
The following dependencies are required to use the models:
The following dependencies are required to generate and update the models:
Install YARP, gazebo, and gazebo_yarp_plugins
Add CER models to the GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=<cer-sim>/gazebo
Start YARP server
yarp server
Start gazebo
Drag the CER model into the scene.
Init and build the catkin workspace:
cd <cer-sim>/catkin_ws/src
cd <cer-sim>/catkin_ws
Add to .bashrc
if [ -f <cer-sim>/ ]; then
. <cer-sim>/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
Start roscore:
Start yarp server:
yarp server --ros
Start rviz and robot-state-publisher:
roslaunch cer_rviz cer.launch
cd <cer-sim>/src/geomagic-marker
mkdir build
cd build
ccmake ..
Start the module
The proper procedure to update the models is to modify the files inside of the resources folder.
Subsequently, run the python script
Any local change to the models files will be lost.
The checkerboard is a board with a pattern of white and black squares ("chequered pattern"). The geometry file (*.dae) in the mesh folder represents a rectangular checkerboard with a 7 by 9 pattern. To add the checkerboard to the R1 model simply add the following code to the *.sdf file in the gazebo folder. Since in normal conditions the checkerboard is not necessary, the modified sdf model shouldn't be committed and changes are lost every time the model is regenerated
<link name='checkerboard_link'>
<pose frame=''>VALUE_1 0.0 VALUE_2 1.570795 0.0 3.14159</pose>
<visual name='checkerboard_link_visual'>
<pose frame=''>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose>
<scale>0.001 0.001 0.001</scale>
<joint name='checkerboard_joint' type='fixed'>
Where we have:
VALUE_1 = B + 0.1779
VALUE_2 = A + 0.2585
As shown in Figure 1, A is the distance between the terrain and the lower border of the white and black squares. While B represents the distance between the black and white squares front surfaces and the border of the covers of R1. The border of the covers can be easily accessed by extending the torso joint of the robot.