No Duplications output
hhuili opened this issue · 0 comments
hhuili commented
I have recently used svim-asm to identify SVs on hundreds of virus genome assemblies.
Here is my code:
minimap2 -a -x asm5 --cs -r2k -t $threads $reference $genome_dir/${assembly}.tidy.fa > alignments.sam
samtools sort -m4G -@4 -o alignments.sorted.bam alignments.sam
samtools index alignments.sorted.bam
svim-asm haploid --query_names ./ alignments.sorted.bam $reference
I merged the outputs and found that there are only INS and DEL two types. I'm wondering if svim-asm identified Duplication and Contraction as INS and DEL, respectively? It is similar to this issue #6 .
Furthermore, same as the #14 , svim-asm doesn’t give the coordinates of query genome in the output vcf file. It would be very informative if it gives query coordinates as well.
Thanks in advance!
Huihui Li