
A minimal OpenCL, CUDA, Vulkan and host CPU array manipulation engine / framework.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

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Crates.io version Docs Rust GPU rust-clippy Android NNAPI

A minimal, extensible OpenCL, Vulkan (with WGSL), CUDA, NNAPI (Android) and host CPU array manipulation engine / framework written in Rust. This crate provides tools for executing custom array and automatic differentiation operations.


The latest published version is of 0.7.x (April 14th, 2023). A lot has changed since then. 0.7.x can be found in the custos-0.7 branch.

Add "custos" as a dependency:

custos = "0.7.0"

# to disable the default features (cpu, cuda, opencl, static-api, blas, macro) and use an own set of features:
#custos = {version = "0.7.0", default-features=false, features=["opencl", "blas"]}

Available features:

To make specific devices useable, activate the corresponding features:

Feature Device Notes
cpu CPU Uses heap allocations.
stack Stack Useable in no-std environments as it uses stack allocated Buffers without requiring alloc or std. Practically only supports the Base module.
opencl OpenCL Automatically maps unified memory.
cuda CUDA
vulkan Vulkan Shaders are written in WGSL. + unified memory
nnapi NnapiDevice Lazy module is mandatory.
untyped Untyped Removes the need of Buffer's generic parameters. (CPU and CUDA only for now)

custos ships combineable modules. Different selected modules result in different behaviour when executing operations. New modules can be added in user code.

use custos::prelude::*; 
// Autograd, Base = Modules
let device = CPU::<Autograd<Base>>::new();

To make specific modules useable for building a device, activate the corresponding features:

Feature Module Description
on by default Base Default behaviour.
autograd Autograd Enables running automatic differentiation.
cached Cached Reuses allocations on demand.
fork Fork Decides whether the CPU or GPU is faster for an operation. It then uses the faster device for following computations. (unified memory devices)
lazy Lazy Lazy execution of operations and lazy intermediate allocations. Enables support for CUDA graphs.
graph Graph Adds a memory usage optimizeable graph and fusing of unary operations in combination with Lazy.

Usage of these modules when writing custom operations: modules.md and modules_usage.rs.

If an operations wants to be affected by a module, specific custos code must be called in that operation.

Remaining features:

Feature Description
static-api Enables the creation of Buffers without providing a device.
std  Adds standard library support.
no-std For no std environments, activates stack feature.
macro Reexport of custos-macro
blas Adds gemm functions of the system's (selected) BLAS library.
half Adds support for half precision floats.
serde Adds serialization and deserialization support.
json Adds convenience functions for serialization and deserialization to and from json.

Implement an operation for CPU:

This operation is only affected by the Cached module (and partially Autograd).

use custos::prelude::*;
use std::ops::{Deref, Mul};

pub trait MulBuf<T: Unit, S: Shape = (), D: Device = Self>: Sized + Device {
    fn mul(&self, lhs: &Buffer<T, D, S>, rhs: &Buffer<T, D, S>) -> Buffer<T, Self, S>;

impl<Mods, T, S, D> MulBuf<T, S, D> for CPU<Mods>
    Mods: Retrieve<Self, T, S>,
    T: Unit + Mul<Output = T> + Copy + 'static,
    S: Shape,
    D: Device,
    D::Base<T, S>: Deref<Target = [T]>,
    fn mul(&self, lhs: &Buffer<T, D, S>, rhs: &Buffer<T, D, S>) -> Buffer<T, Self, S> {
        let mut out = self.retrieve(lhs.len(), (lhs, rhs)).unwrap(); // unwrap or return error (update trait)

        for ((lhs, rhs), out) in lhs.iter().zip(rhs.iter()).zip(&mut out) {
            *out = *lhs * *rhs;


A lot more usage examples can be found in the tests and examples folders. (Or in the unary operation file, custos-math and sliced)