
Small script to quickly plot the spatial distribution of raw data from fastq files.

Primary LanguagePython


Small script to quickly plot the spatial distribution of raw data from fastq files.

To install:

pip install -r requirements.txt
python setup.py build
python setup.py install

To Run:

plotRawDataDistribution.py \
--barcode-file LP_Lot_number_x.txt \
--reads-file R1.fastq.gz \
--img-file raw_data_dist.pdf

To get help:

$ plotRawDataDistribution.py --help
usage: plotRawDataDistribution.py [-h] -r <file> -b <file> -i <file>
                                  [-s <int>] [-p <int>] [-c <str>] [-v]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r <file>, --reads-file <file>
                        barcode reads file/fwd read/first read/read one (must
                        be gzipped fastq format)
  -b <file>, --barcode-file <file>
                        ID file with barcodes and positions
  -i <file>, --img-file <file>
                        file name for the output image (pdf)
  -s <int>, --stop-after <int>
                        stop after this many reads
  -p <int>, --plot-every <int>
                        print plot to pdf after this many reads
  -c <str>, --color-map <str>
                        choose colormap for the plot ("red" or "heat", red is
  -v, --verbose         print more stuff to stderr