
A toolkit for visualisation and analysis of Spatial Transcriptomics datasets

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Spatial Transcriptomics Analysis

Different tools for visualization, processing and analysis (supervised and un-supervised learning, differential expression analysis, etc..) of Spatial Transcriptomics datasets (can also be used for single cell data).

The package is compatible with the output format of the data generated with the ST Pipeline (https://github.com/SpatialTranscriptomicsResearch/st_pipeline) and give full support to plot the data onto the tissue images but it is compatible with any single cell dataset where the data is stored as a matrix of counts (genes as columns and spot/cells as rows).

This package makes use of the following R packages:

t-SNE https://github.com/lvdmaaten/bhtsne

Scran https://github.com/MarioniLab/Deconvolution2016

DESeq2 http://bioconductor.org/packages/devel/bioc/html/DESeq2.html

EdgeR https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/edgeR.html


MIT License, see LICENSE file.


See AUTHORS file.


For bugs, feedback or help you can contact Jose Fernandez Navarro jose.fernandez.navarro@scilifelab.se

Input Format

The referred matrix format is the ST data format, a matrix of counts where spot coordinates are row names and the genes are column names. This matrix format (.TSV) is generated with the ST Pipeline

The scripts that allows you to pass the tissue HE image can optionally take a 3x3 alignment file. If the images are cropped to the exact array boundaries the alignment file is not needed unless you want to plot the image in the original image size. If the image is un-cropped then you need the alignment file to convert from spot coordinates to pixel coordinates.

The alignment file should look like :

a11 a12 a13 a21 a22 a23 a31 a32 a33

Where each a correspondonds to a cell of the affine transformation matrix.


We recommend that you install the latest R version 3.4 Once you have installed R you can open a R terminal or Rstudio and type the following:


Before you install the ST Analysis package we recommend that you create a Python 3 virtual environment. We recommend Anaconda. The latest versions of rpy2 (R binder for Python) are only compatible with Python 3 and R 3.4 but older versions of rpy2 are compatible with Python 2 and older R versions.


The following instructions are for installing the ST Analysis package with Python 3.4 and Anaconda (should be the same for Python 3.6) Note: we advice to update Xcode to the latest version.

conda create -n python3.4 python=3.4
source activate python3.4
brew install freetype
brew install gcc
export CC=/usr/local/Cellar/gcc/7.2.0/bin/gcc-7
pip install rpy2
export CC=/usr/bin/clang
conda install matplotlib
conda install pandas
conda install scikit-learn
git clone https://github.com/SpatialTranscriptomicsResearch/st_analysis.git
cd st_analysis
python setup.py install


The following instructions are for installing the ST Analysis package with Python 3.4 and Anaconda (should be the same for Python 3.6) Note: we advice to install and update the developer tools packages

conda create -n python3.4 python=3.4
source activate python3.4
pip install rpy2
pip install tzlocal
conda install matplotlib
conda install pandas
conda install scikit-learn
conda install readline
git clone https://github.com/SpatialTranscriptomicsResearch/st_analysis.git
cd st_analysis
python setup.py install

A bunch of scripts (described behind) will then be available in your system. Note that you can always type script_name.py --help to get more information about how the script works. The ST Analysis package is compatible with Python 2 and 3 and we recomend to use a virtual environment to make the installation of the dependencies easier.

  • NOTE that you will need to activate your Python environment before using any of the tools

      source activate python3.4

Analysis tools

To do un-supervised learning

To see how spots cluster together based on their expression profiles you can run:

unsupervised.py --counts-table-files matrix_counts.tsv --normalization DESeq2 --num-clusters 5 --clustering KMeans --dimensionality tSNE --image-files tissue_image.JPG --use-log-scale 

The script can be given one or serveral datasets (matrices with counts). It will perform dimesionality reduction and then cluster the spots together based on the dimesionality reduced coordinates. It generates a scatter plot of the clusters. It also generates an image for each dataset of the predicted classes on top of the tissue image (tissue image for each dataset must be given and optionally an alignment file to convert to pixel coordiantes). It also generate a file with the predicted classes for each spot that can be used in other analysis. To know more about the parameters you can type --help

To do supervised learning

You can train a classifier with the expression profiles of a set of spots where you know the class (spot type) and then predict on a new dataset of the same tissue. For that you can use the following script:

supervised.py --train-data data_matrix.tsv --test-data data_matrix.tsv --train-casses train_classes.txt --test-classes test_classes.txt --image tissue_image.jpg

This will generate some statistics, a file with the predicted classes for each spot and a plot of the predicted spots on top of the tissue image (if the image and the alignment matrix are given). The script can take several datasets for the training set and it allows to normalize the training and testing data. The test/train classes file shoud look like:

XxY 1
XxY 1
XxY 2

Where X is the spot X coordinate and Y is the spot Y coordinate and 1,1 and 2 are spot classes (regions). To know more about the parameters you can type --help

To visualize ST data (output from the ST Pipeline)

Use the script st_data_plotter.py to plot ST data, it can use filters (counts) and it can plot only selected genes using regular expressions. You can also normalize the data for visualization. You need one or many matrices with the gene counts and spots and optionally a tissue image and an alignment matrix for each dataset. A example run would be:

st_data_plotter.py --cutoff 2 --show-genes Actb* --image-files tissue_image.jpg --counts-table-files data_matrix.tsv

This will generate a scatter plot of the expression of the spots that contain a gene Actb and with higher expression than 2 and it will use the tissue image as background. More info if you type --help

To slice a matrix of counts based of regions of interest

You can slice a dataset based on regions of interests (spots) obtained manually or with unsupervised.py. You need a file defining classes for each spot (unsupervised.py generates such files):

XxY 1
XxY 1
XxY 2

Where X is the spot X coordinate and Y is the spot Y coordinate and 1,1 and 2 are spot classes (regions). A example run would be:

slice_regions_matrix.py --counts-matrix dataset.tsv --spot-classes classes.txt --regions 1 3

To perform Differential Expression Analysis (DEA)

You can perform a D.E.A between ST datasets (most likely regions of interests) The scripts generates different plots and the list of D.E. genes in a text file for each comparison. Basically the script needs one or more matrices of counts with ST data (genes as columns) a list of condition labels for each dataset and a list of comparisons to make. The condition labels list should look like:


Where DATASET_INDEX is the number (starting by 0) of the position of the dataset in the input and CONDITION is any string.

The comparisons list should lool like:


Where CONDITION must be one of the CONDITIONS given in the previous list.

The scripts allows for different normalization methods and different D.E.A. algorithms (see --help). An example run would be:

differential_analysis.py --input-data stdata_region1.tsv stdata_region2.tsv --conditions 0:A 1:B --comparisons A-B

To know more about the parameters you can type --help