- 0
Unable to select heading text
#1969 opened by eksperimental - 6
Output man pages
#1962 opened by zuiderkwast - 1
ExDoc should strip off underscore prefix from arguments in type signature
#1970 opened by eksperimental - 2
`0.34.0` changed handling of symbolic files in asset
#1966 opened by aYukiSekiguchi - 2
Some inline tags fail to render
#1961 opened by whatyouhide - 1
Ordering Items in Sections
#1959 opened by halostatue - 1
Can't link to admonition blocks
#1956 opened by harrisi - 4
Copy buttons on code snippets not working if they are inside a <!-- tabs-open --> ... <!-- tabs-close -->
#1955 opened by albinkc - 7
Looking for a way to preserve old links
#1951 opened by zachdaniel - 0
- 4
Selectable/copyable text includes evaluation output
#1944 opened by harrisi - 3
Incorrect line-height of a code block in a header
#1946 opened by sobolevn - 0
Better integrate Erlang/Elixir
#1912 opened by josevalim - 4
Sidebar missing until mermaidjs finishes loading
#1941 opened by vlad-ngn - 10
Screen reader text obscures search
#1935 opened by harrisi - 2
- 1
Admonition blockquotes should be converted to divs
#1939 opened by voughtdq - 2
No information on how to run locally
#1936 opened by harrisi - 4
Remove support for application/erlang+html
#1934 opened by josevalim - 2
- 3
Signs in integer literals trigger warning
#1931 opened by ecpeterson - 1
- 1
No support for debug_info keys?
#1928 opened by Olivier-Boudeville - 0
feature request: Link to Anchor callback/function auto-links like with Modules and Extra pages
#1920 opened by novaugust - 1
- 4
- 1
Odd Gradient with mobile breakpoint in light mode
#1919 opened by halostatue - 1
Warn about docs for out-of-date versions
#1917 opened by pdavies - 2
Mobile: Search bar is too sensitive to page scroll
#1913 opened by zachallaun - 4
Bullet list not displayed correctly
#1911 opened by williamthome - 8
Admonition does not work in Erlang @doc blocks
#1901 opened by RoadRunnr - 4
links for otp apps' (gen_tcp/ssl) types use old format
#1907 opened by ruslandoga - 5
Truly light theme
#1900 opened by fififionek - 3
Add syntax highlighting for JavaScript/TypeScript
#1904 opened by srcrip - 1
Support blockquote highlighting for GitHub Markdown
#1903 opened by Hentioe - 0
New ex_doc release
#1902 opened by garazdawi - 1
Heading with content `tooltip` is not visible
#1899 opened by Coffei - 6
Empty source AST
#1896 opened by williamthome - 10
- 4
Generating both Erlang and Elixir docs at once
#1895 opened by whatyouhide - 1
Version dropdown doesn't work in v0.32.0
#1893 opened by rbino - 4
Question concerning usage of EarmarkParser
#1889 opened by RobertDober - 4
- 7
Admonitions not styled properly within cheat sheets
#1866 opened by davidsulc - 5
Equivalent for edocs's {sort_functions, false}
#1865 opened by nixxquality - 3
Search thinks there are ids for <h4>
#1875 opened by garazdawi - 1
Introduce meta tags to customize search
#1874 opened by josevalim - 2
Allow adding *.exs files to the docs
#1871 opened by mat-hek - 5
Text of code block within a info admonition block is barely legible in darkmode
#1867 opened by garazdawi - 3
Head of document missing when printing
#1864 opened by rhcarvalho