- 2
- 5
- 3
- 0
Support for XDG Base Directory
#224 opened by luisfscoelho - 0
- 8
How to troubleshoot extremely slow startup?
#219 opened by dfalling - 2
Failed to run `config` for elixir-tools.nvim
#218 opened by mxgrn - 4
Bump Elixir LS version
#215 opened by mxgrn - 1
- 10
CodeLens refresh error on neovim 0.10.0
#211 opened by jc00ke - 0
Add example to documentation for spitfire
#214 opened by trashhalo - 3
make auto-update of nextls configurable
#209 opened by dch - 2
How do I keep terminal open after running a test
#208 opened by fmterrorf - 1
convert test suite from plenary test to actual busted using luarocks and nvim -l
#138 opened by mhanberg - 8
Nextls not working
#177 opened by Rem0ld - 7
:LspInfo results in vim errors
#202 opened by coop - 5
why do two nextls clients exist at the same time?
#187 opened by zhangzhen - 1
elixir-ls default installation tag
#196 opened by avillen - 4
Example with lsp-zero.nvim?
#186 opened by leandrocp - 3
Performance tips?
#185 opened by igorgue - 0
Elixir LS single file support
#182 opened by mhanberg - 8
{:error, :already_present}
#181 opened by coop - 8
Format-on-save insists on adding () to macros
#179 opened by mikl - 0
lua/elixir/utils.lua:82: Expected value but found invalid token at character 1
#172 opened by johannesrld - 8
Should nextls cmd be expanded?
#168 opened by dvic - 1
Command to update Next LS
#155 opened by mhanberg - 10
"Go to definition" doesn't work.
#164 opened by bus710 - 0
Convert individual comments to a single `:Elixir` command that has subcommands
#141 opened by mhanberg - 2
Fetch latest tool releases out of band
#142 opened by mhanberg - 1
- 7
- 1
Bump ElixirLS default version
#143 opened by kevinkirkup - 4
Otter.nvim Integration for ~H Heex support?
#101 opened by zolrath - 5
Falied to clone
#139 opened by lessthanseventy - 3
Failed to run config for elixir-tools.nvim
#135 opened by einariii - 3
- 0
Etask for projectionist
#92 opened by mhanberg - 3
credo-language-server 0.1.0-rc.1 not working
#109 opened by dvic - 1
Lexical LSP Option
#100 opened by zolrath - 0
- 0
#99 opened by mhanberg - 0
- 1
health check
#84 opened by mhanberg - 7
No leex or ~L highlighting
#83 opened by zolrath - 1
- 2
- 3
bug(credo-language-server): doesn't work if you open neovim outside of the directory that contains mix.lock
#70 opened by mhanberg - 8
- 3
feat: telescope extension for credo issues
#69 opened by wesleimp - 1
How to start the installation of credo?
#64 opened by drselump14