Assistant Professor at the Binghamton University working on methods of evidence synthesis and big datasets for insect conservation.
elizagrames's Followers
- 64ZoneUPenn
- artlesshao
- berrielneto
- BinghamtonBioHackyHours
- blkgreene
- CecSveGlobal Biodiversity Information Facility
- ch1c0t
- Chenshize0104CAS (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- cmirbMunich
- cokellyQueen's University Belfast
- davidpomerenke@Datenlabor-BMZ @SocialChangeLab
- drgurpreetGovernment of India
- Ednava
- farmcarolina
- frknc
- iatoloye
- JoemillardNatural History Museum
- johanneskopton@hortibonn
- KnechtTheDots
- laura-feherNational Park Service
- luised94
- MaelphesUniversity of Bern
- meilingfengUniversity of Connecticut - Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- mihowPortland, OR
- phil-martin-researchBasque Centre for Climate Change
- ramyaroopa94Wildlife Conservation Trust
- renatamuyhttps://github.com/mEpiLab
- santiagomotaFreelance
- Sven1992
- tomlue
- tzemanovicIn the garden
- valentinasagVrije Universiteit Brussel
- victoriapeechatt
- vjjan91Cornell Lab of Ornithology
- wangdepinHelsinki