Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


The repository contains the tools, TCC, PCC, and PCCH, presented in the paper "Inferring Temporally Consistent Migration Histories" by Mrinmoy Saha Roddur, Sagi Snir, and Mohammed El-Kebir.

  1. Temporally Consistent Comigrations (TCC)

TCC is a computational tool to check if a given location labeled phylogeny with the comigrations is temporally consistent or not. In our implementation, the tool TCC.py also incorporates greedyComigrations that infers comigrations from the given location labeled phylogeny. TCC.py takes as input a tree with the corresponding location labeling, runs greedyComigrations first to generate the comigrations, and then run TCC algorithm to check if the generated comigrations are temporally consistent or not.

  1. Parsimonious Consistent Comigrations (PCC)

Parsimonious Consistent Comigrations (PCC) is a computational tool for inferring temporally consistent comigrations from a given location labeled phylogeny.

  1. Parsimonious Consistent Comigration History

Parsimonious Consistent Comigration History (PCCH) is a computational tool for inferring migration history from a given phylogeny with leaves labeled with locations.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Usage instruction
  3. Workflow



TCC, PCC, and PCCH require Python version 3.6 or newer.


TCC, PCC, and PCCH require python package networkx to run. It is available with all python package managers.

    $ # install with pip
    $ pip install networkx[default]
    $ # install with conda
    $ conda install -c anaconda networkx


PCC and PCCH require a valid Gurobi installation and license key. The location of Gurobi should be present in LD_LIBRARY_PATH (linux) and DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH (macOS) the license key should be saved in the environment variable GRB_LICENSE_KEY.

Usage Instruction

I/O formats

All of the tools take as input two files: a tree file and a location/leaf labeling file. The tree file contains a list of edges, defining the structure of a tree, and the location/leaf labeling file contains the labels assigned to each vertex/leaf.

  1. Tree file : The tree file contains a list of edges that define the structure of a tree. Each line in the file represents an edge, and the edges should be in the format: vertex1 vertex2. For example:

     1   2
     2   3
     2   4 
     1   3
  2. Location/Leaf labeling file : The location/leaf labeling file contains the labels assigned to each vertex/leaf. Each line in the file corresponds to a vertex/leaf of the tree represented in the tree file, and the labels should be in the format: vertex label. For example:

     1   A
     2   B
     3   C

PCCH outputs a location labeling file, which follows the same format as described. It also returns a DOT file containing the tree along with location labeling. PCCH also prints <primary location> <number of migrations> <number of comigrations> Optimal <running time (in seconds)> on console.


TCC.py takes as input a tree file and a location labeling file only, and no optional arguments. It prints whether the input is temporally consistent, the number of migrations and comigrations, and the running time.

    usage: TCC.py phylogeny location_labeling


    positional arguments:
    phylogeny             Input phylogeny
    leaf_labeling         Input location labeling

An example execution

    $ python TCC.py t.tree l.labeling
    True         7      6       0.006915225982666

PCC takes as input a tree file and a location labeling file along with optional arguments. It prints the primary location, the number of comigrations, if the solution is optimal, and the running time.

    usage: PCC.py [-h] [-p PRIMARY] [--log] [-o OUTPUT] [-t THREADS]
                phylogeny leaf_labeling


    positional arguments:
    phylogeny             Input phylogeny
    location_labeling         Input location labeling

    optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    -p PRIMARY, --primary PRIMARY
                            Primary location
    --log                 Outputs Gurobi logging
    -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                            Output folder
    -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        Number of threads

An example execution

    $ python PCC.py t.tree l.labeling
    a-      6       Optimal         0.366915225982666

PCCH takes as input a tree file and a location labeling file along with optional arguments. It prints the primary location, the number of migrations and comigrations, if the solution is optimal, and the running time.

    usage: PCCH.py [-h] [-p PRIMARY] [-c COLORMAP] [--log] [-o OUTPUT] [-t THREADS]
                phylogeny leaf_labeling


    positional arguments:
    phylogeny             Input phylogeny
    leaf_labeling         Input leaf labeling

    optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    -p PRIMARY, --primary PRIMARY
                            Primary location
    -c COLORMAP, --colormap COLORMAP
                            Color map file
    --log                 Outputs Gurobi logging
    -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                            Output folder
    -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        Number of threads

An example execution

    $ python PCCH.py t.tree l.labeling
    a-      7       6       Optimal         1.366915225982666


The workflow takes as input a tree file and a location labeling file (possibly generated from MACHINA), and first runs TCC. If it is not temporally consistent, then the workflow runs PCC and infers temporally consistent set of comigrations. If the number of comigrations inferred by PCC is bigger than the number of comigrations inferred by MACHINA, then the workflow runs PCCH and returns the new location labeling.

    $ ./workflow.sh t.tree l.labeling output_folder
    > Running TCC
    > Temporally consistent # prints and stops if temporally consistent
    > Running PCC
    > PCC matches the number of comigrations inferred by MACHINA # prints and stops if PCC matches the number of comigrations inferred by MACHINA
    > Running PCCH
    > a-      7       6       Optimal         1.366915225982666