TRIBAL is a method to infer B cell clonal lineages and isotype transition probabilities for a set of n B cells clustered into k clonotypes.
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Install dependencies
- python3 >=3.9
- numpy
- pandas
- ete3 >=3.1.2
- networkx
- pygraphviz
- seaborn
- matplotlib
- gurobipy ( Requires the activation of a license, which is free for academic use.)
TRIBAL is run in two phases:
- infers the isotype transition probabilities for a set of
$k$ clonotypes. - finds the most parsimonious refinement
$T'_j$ of each input tree$T_j$ for every clonotype$j$ .
Two phases are required because the size of the input sets may be large for some clonotypes. TRIBAL will
downsample the input set in each iteration to size --max_cand
to speed up inference. It always retains the best tree found so far in its sample
to ensure convergence of the coordinate ascent approach.
In the second phase, TRIBAL solves the most parsiminonious refinement for every
input tree given the isotype transition probabilities inferred in phase
In addition, we provide a helper script that converts the input trees
- A text file containing a list of clonotype subdirectory names that are to be included in the inference (see example below) or see clonotypes.txt
clonotype_1 clontoype_2 clonotype_3
- A text file containing the ordered list of isotypes found in the data. These will be encoded from
$0$ to$r-1$ , where$r$ is the number of isotypes listed in the file (see example below). As naming conventions of isotype states varies, the listed isotypes must match the isotype names in the input files. See example below or see isotype_encoding.txt.IgM/D IgG3 IgA
- A specified id of the id of the naive BCR
file generated by dnapars containing the Newick string of each input tree. See outtree for an example. Note: we are currently working to integrate this step within our package. - Each clonotype subdirectory, e.g., B_19_4_56_2_1_52 should contain the following two files:
- fasta file for the MSA of the heavy and/or light chain variable region sequences. See heavy.aln.fasta for an example.
- fasta or csv file with the isotype expression of the heavy chain for each cell (ids should correspond to sequence ids). See isotype.fasta for an example.
- A text file containing a list of clonotype subdirectory names that are to be included in the inference (see example below) or see clonotypes.txt
isotype transition probability inference:
- a text file containing the inferred isotype transition probabilties
- Optional output includes a heatmap of the inferred isotype transition probabilites
B cell lineage inference:
- a text file containing the tree encoded with each row in the file encoding an edge in the tree as child, parent
- a fasta or csv file containing the inferred isotype states
- Optional outputs include png or pdf visualizations of the inferred tree, a pickle file containing all optimal solutions
usage: [-h] [-f FOREST] [-p PATH] [-c CLONOTYPES] [-e ENCODING] [--n_isotypes N_ISOTYPES] [--fasta FASTA] [-i ISOTYPES] [-j JUMP_PROB] [-t TRANSMAT]
[-r ROOT] [--tree_path TREE_PATH] [--candidates CANDIDATES] [--niter NITER] [--thresh THRESH] [--nworkers NWORKERS] [--max_cand MAX_CAND] [-s SEED]
[--restarts RESTARTS] [--mode {score,refine,refine_ilp,search}] [--score SCORE] [--transmat_infer TRANSMAT_INFER] [--state_probs STATE_PROBS]
[--heatmap HEATMAP] [--propmap PROPMAP]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FOREST, --forest FOREST
path to pickled clonotypes dictionary of lineage forests
-p PATH, --path PATH path to the directory containing input files
filename with list of clonotype subdirectories that should be included in the inference. If not provided, scans provided path for all
subdirectory names
-e ENCODING, --encoding ENCODING
text file isotype states listed in germline order
--n_isotypes N_ISOTYPES
the number of isotypes states to use if isotype encoding file is not provided and input isotypes are encoded numerically
--fasta FASTA filename of input MSA in fasta file
-i ISOTYPES, --isotypes ISOTYPES
filename of isotype fasta file within each clonotype directory
-j JUMP_PROB, --jump_prob JUMP_PROB
for inititalization of transition matrix if not provided
-t TRANSMAT, --transmat TRANSMAT
optional filename of input transition matrix for initialization
-r ROOT, --root ROOT the common id of the root in all clonotypes
--tree_path TREE_PATH
path to directory where candidate trees are saved
--candidates CANDIDATES
filename containing newick strings for candidate trees
--niter NITER max number of iterations in the fitting phase
--thresh THRESH theshold for convergence in fitting phase
--nworkers NWORKERS number of workers to use in the event in multiple restarts
--max_cand MAX_CAND max candidate tree size per clonotype
-s SEED, --seed SEED
--restarts RESTARTS number of restarts
--mode {score,refine,refine_ilp,search}
--score SCORE filename where the score file should be saved
--transmat_infer TRANSMAT_INFER
filename where the inferred transition matrix should be saved
--state_probs STATE_PROBS
filename where the inferred state probabilities should be saved
--heatmap HEATMAP filename where the {png,pdf} of transition matrix should be saved
--propmap PROPMAP filename where the {pdf,png} of isotype proportions should be saved
[--timeout TIMEOUT] [-l LINEAGE] [--forest] [--candidates CANDIDATES]
[--mode {score,refine,refine_ilp,search}] -e ENCODING [--tree TREE] [--fasta FASTA] [--png PNG]
[--sequences SEQUENCES] [--score SCORE] [--reversible] [--iso_infer ISO_INFER]
[--all_optimal_sol ALL_OPTIMAL_SOL] [--nworkers NWORKERS] [--pickle_best PICKLE_BEST]
[--pickle_all PICKLE_ALL]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f INPUT_FOREST, --input-forest INPUT_FOREST
path to pickled clonotypes dictionary of lineeage forests
name of clonotype lineage to refine from the full forest
filename of input fasta file containing the alignment
-i ISOTYPES, --isotypes ISOTYPES
filename of input file containing the isotype labels
-t TRANSMAT, --transmat TRANSMAT
filename of input transition matrix
-r ROOT, --root ROOT the id of the root sequence in the alignment
--timeout TIMEOUT max number of hours to let tribal search per tree
-l LINEAGE, --lineage LINEAGE
pickle file of lineage tree/forest returned from
--candidates CANDIDATES
filename containing newick strings for candidate tree(s)
--mode {score,refine,refine_ilp,search}
-e ENCODING, --encoding ENCODING
--tree TREE outputfile of best tree
--fasta FASTA filename where reconstructed ancestral sequences should be saved as fasta file
--png PNG filename where to save a png of the optimal tree
--sequences SEQUENCES
filename where reconstructed ancestral sequences should be saved as csv file
--score SCORE filename of the objective function value objective function value
--reversible a flag to indicate the standard 0/1 cost function is used (the number of isotype changes is minimized
and irreversiblility is ignored)
--iso_infer ISO_INFER
filename of the inferred isotypes for the internal nodes
--all_optimal_sol ALL_OPTIMAL_SOL
path where all optimal solution results are saved
--nworkers NWORKERS number of workers to use in the event of multiple input candidate trees
--pickle_best PICKLE_BEST
filename to pickle the best results
--pickle_all PICKLE_ALL
filename to pickle the best results
We will use the NP-KLH-2b as an example to demonstrate the usage of TRIBAL. First, navigate to the NP-KLH directory via the command line:
Next, we prep the dnapars output, sequences and isotypes for TRIBAL.
python ../src/prep_parismony_forest
--clonotypes NP-KLH-2b/clonotypes.txt
--encoding isotype_encoding.txt
-p NP-KLH-2b/input --tree_path ./NP-KLH-2b -r naive
--fasta heavy.aln.fasta
-o NP-KLH-2b/input.pickle
Then, we infer isotype transition probabilities with downsampling (--max_cand 10
python ../src/ --forest NP-KLH-2b/input.pickle
-r naive --encoding isotype_encoding --seed 3
--niter 10 --restarts 1 --mode refine_ilp
--thresh 0.1 --nworkers 1 --max_cand 10
--transmat_infer NP-KLH-2b/trans_probs.txt
--heatmap NP-KLH-2b/trans_probs.png
- Parallelization can be applied by increasing
. - Setting
--mode score
means that a weighted Sankoff to infer the isotype labels$\beta'$ instead of finding the most parsimonious refinement (solving the MPTR problem).
Finally, we use the inferred isotype transition probabilities to infer a B cell lineage tree
python ../../src/
-r naive -f NP-KLH-2b/input.pickle
-c B_19_4_56_2_1_52
-t NP-KLH-2b/trans_probs.txt
-e isotype_encoding.txt
--mode refine_ilp
--nworkers 1
--score NP-KLH-2b/csr_likelihoods.csv
--tree NP-KLH-2b/example.tree
--iso_infer NP-KLH-2b/example.isotypes
--png NP-KLH-2b/example.png
We provide a Snakefile and associated config file that can be used to run this pipeline for all NP-KLH datasets and clonotypes, using the following command:
snakemake -j 10
Similarily, a Snakefile and associated config file is provided to run TRIBAL for the ABC data.