Deep Neural Network architecture as a predictive optimal controller for {HVAC+Solar cell + battery} disturbance afflicted system vs classic Model Predictive Control
- 15755584776
- bowenfan96@ImperialCollegeLondon
- caimingxue
- chaipat-ncm
- dakotagrusak@AeromineTechnologies
- DavidLeeftinkRadboud University
- EMorse2
- Flinker517
- FrankSue99
- GuowenLi-PhDTexas A&M University
- irosyadiUniversitas Jenderal Soedirman
- jianfeipuseu
- jojo13572001Huawei
- jtstoffel
- khoderj
- lain808
- LorenzoBottaccioli
- LucaNicoliYT88
- MarcSu1
- Mohammed-BaqirAltınbaş Üniversitesi
- Muyy127
- noisyoscillatorBangalore, India
- pranavk99
- saberdarkknight
- shenmeren888Edmonton
- shijiediqiucunzjU.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Building Technologies Office (BTO)
- sophia-luo
- SummerkiCSU/Central South University
- sx-wenDalian University of Technology
- SZQ151440126
- theodorska
- wuyou33
- xfyecn
- xiyuan1997
- xzflinZJU
- zahnz