
Stockfish and chess on RISC-V MangoPi 🥭♟️

Primary LanguageC

Mango Chess 🥭♟️

Stockfish and Bluetooth protocol on RISC-V MangoPi bare-metal (a "tiny, tiny computer").

StockfishServoNext Move

StockfishRotary EncoderOpponent Move

+ live streams moves and chess board state to gui


  • make run: send raw AT commands to the Bluetooth HC-05 module (this is mostly for testing).
  • make brain: executes code on "Brain" Mango Pi, whichs talks to host running Stockfish. You must separately run python engine.py, (having previously installed all requirements in requirements.txt).
  • make hand: executes program on "Hand" Mango Pi, which the player would secretly have in their pocket.

Please read our code because we spent a lot of time making it well documented, specially jnxu.c, jnxu.h, bt_ext.c, and bt_ext.h!


  • 2 Mango Pi
  • 2 HC-05 Bluetooth modules
  • 1 rotary encoder
  • 1 servo
  • Laptop and HDMI monitor

Two Mango Pis connected via Bluetooth. "Hand" Pi interfaces with rotary encoder + servo

Created for Stanford CS 107E