
DeltaE is a pure-Rust implementation of the CIEDE2000 algorithm

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

DeltaE - Quantify color differences in Rust

Crates.io Docs License

DeltaE is a pure-Rust implementation of the CIEDE2000 algorithm which serves to quantify the difference between two colors. It is entirely based on the work of Zachary Schuessler, who has written a Javascript implementation of the algorithm.


If you're using Cargo, just add DeltaE to your Cargo.toml:

delta_e = "0.2"


extern crate delta_e;
extern crate lab;

use delta_e::DE2000;
use lab::Lab;

fn main() {
    let color_1 = Lab {
        l: 38.972,
        a: 58.991,
        b: 37.138,

    let color_2 = Lab {
        l: 54.528,
        a: 42.416,
        b: 54.497,

    let delta_e = DE2000::new(color_1, color_2);
    println!("The color difference is: {}", delta_e);


DeltaE is released under the MIT LICENSE.


This crate was written by Elliot Jackson.