
Primary LanguageEmacs LispGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Cyanometric Emacs Theme

A Theme with overwhelming bias towards cyan


Cyanometric installation

M-x package-install emacs-theme-cyanometric 


How it was made

Cyanometric was built with Autothemer and Kurecolor. They dramatically improve developer happiness when writing themes for Emacs.

If you're making Emacs themes you should check them out.

Modes supported

  • autocomplete
  • ag (The Silver Searcher)
  • anzu
  • auctex
  • avy
  • col-highlight
  • column-enforce-mode
  • column-marker
  • company
  • diff
  • diff-hl
  • diff-indicator
  • dired+
  • diredfl
  • dired-subtre
  • el-search
  • elfeed
  • elscreen
  • embrace
  • erc
  • eww
  • flycheck
  • git-commit
  • git-gutter
  • git-gutter+
  • git-gutter-fr+
  • gnus
  • haskell
  • helm
  • hi-lock
  • highlight-indentation-mode
  • highlight-numbers
  • highlight-symbol
  • hydra
  • ido
  • iedit
  • info
  • isearch
  • ivy
  • js2
  • linum
  • linum-relative
  • magit
  • multiple-cursors
  • nameless
  • org-mode
  • orderless
  • package.el
  • popup
  • powerline
  • rainbow-delimiters
  • rainbow-identifiers
  • ripgrep
  • sh mode
  • show-paren
  • smart-mode-line
  • smartparens
  • smerge
  • spaceline
  • swiper
  • term / ansi-colors
  • vc
  • vline
  • which-key
  • window-divider-mode
  • whitespace-mode

Forked from Creamsody

It's the excessively cyan fork of Creamsody, inspired by an old monochrome Sharp CRT Terminal.