
Conveniently create Emacs themes - watch Autothemer used by System Crafters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCCIudu53Zg

Primary LanguageEmacs LispGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Autothemer Tests


Autothemer provides autothemer-deftheme a macro wrapper for deftheme and custom-theme-set-faces which creates a custom color theme.

The package also includes useful theme development features see below.


We've added new things to AutoThemer in recent weeks:


autothemer-deftheme uses a color class(es)/palette(s) which simplify the deftheme style and simplified face specifications to be applied to Emacs faces.

See the example below.

(autothemer-deftheme example-name "Autothemer example..."

  ;; Specify the color classes used by the theme
  ((((class color) (min-colors #xFFFFFF))
    ((class color) (min-colors #xFF)))

    ;; Specify the color palette, color columns correspond to each of the classes above.
    (example-red    "#781210" "#FF0000")
    (example-green  "#22881F" "#00D700")
    (example-blue   "#212288" "#0000FF")
    (example-purple "#812FFF" "#Af00FF")
    (example-yellow "#EFFE00" "#FFFF00")
    (example-orange "#E06500" "#FF6600")
    (example-cyan   "#22DDFF" "#00FFFF"))

    ;; Specifications for Emacs faces.
    ;; Simpler than deftheme, just specify a face name and 
    ;; a plist of face definitions (nested for :underline, :box etc.)
    ((button (:underline t :weight 'bold :foreground example-yellow))
     (error  (:foreground example-red)))

    ;; Forms after the face specifications are evaluated.
    ;; (palette vars can be used, read below for details.)
    (custom-theme-set-variables 'example-name
        `(ansi-color-names-vector [,example-red

Faces and Color Classes

One of the things that makes writing themes for Emacs painful is the syntax of defface, the macro used to configre Emacs face definitions.

Because the syntax isn't developer friendly it usually results in themes with limited support. Especially for different color displays. Usually GUI / 24bit themes are made, and the results in the terminal are often sub par. On occassion a theme does appear that provides better support for multiple display types, but due to the manual work involved in adding face specs, mode support is limited and development often stalls.

On the plus side the complexity of face specifcations means we can in theory design themes that support any display with any number of colors, we can support dark and light background modes. Until now it's been hard to fully exploit the potential.

Autothemer attempts to solve the problems that a theme developer faces. By defining a simple set of color class rules we can remove repetitive face specs.

Looking again at the example above.

(((class color) (min-colors #xFFFFFF))
 ((class color) (min-colors #xFF)))

Here we've setup a color class for 16.8million (0xFFFFFF) color display i.e. 24bit,
which will be read from first column in the palette. Next we setup a color class for 256 (0xFF) color displays i.e. xterm-256color, the color palette values for this will be read from the corresponding second column.

We can setup as many columns as we'd like to support, here's a few more examples.

For a two color display:

((class color) (monochrome)))

For a light background 24bit

((class color) (min-colors #xFFFFFF) (background light))

For a dark background 24bit

((class color) (min-colors #xFFFFFF) (background dark))

You can read more about defining faces in the Emacs manual, display types and class color is covered here.


The palette definition is specified as a list of lists, each of the nested lists is a color name and then color values that correspond to each of the display/color classes defined above.

You can set color values as nil and the first color to the left will be used.

For example, if we have three display classes defined, 256, 24bit, 16 color:

((((class color) (min-colors #xFF))
  ((class color) (min-colors #xFFFFFF))
  ((class color) (min-colors 16)))

  ;; We define my-red in 256 color mode only.
  (my-red "#FF0000" nil nil))

Note we only specify 256 color mode's my-red value, and leave the others as nil. Autothemer will copy the value #FF0000 to the other color classes at the same paletee index if they are nil.

Simplified face specs

In a regular theme (created with the deftheme macro) we have to specify faces with the display attributes included for every face. Autothemer's primary purpose is to reduce this down to a minimum.

As we can see in the example above face specs now look like this:

;; specifications for Emacs faces.
((button (:underline t :weight 'bold :foreground example-yellow))
 (error  (:foreground example-red)))

color names from the palette can be used directly, as we can see here. The faces are using colors named example-yellow and example-red.

One important thing to remember is that we are in a different context to deftheme so symbols like bold or faces we want to :inherit from must use the ' quote-mark. (See the example above 'bold would usually not be quoted.) The following face attributes will be affected.

  • :inherit
  • :weight
  • :slant
  • :style

(NOTE: there may be others I have missed. Please open an issue if you find another attribute that needs quoting.)

Body / Evaluated Forms

After defining the display specs, palette and simplified face specs, you can include other code to be evaluated.

Be aware that colors named in the palette will need to be , comma-ed so they evaluate correctly. For example if you wanted to use the color my-red somewhere in the body section, you would refer to it as ,my-red, so that it's evaluated properly.

Auto generating missing specs

You can automatically generate specs for faces that are not in your theme using the command

M-x autothemer-generate-templates

There's an alternative command to use if you'd like to filter by regexp.

M-x autothemer-generate-templates-filtered

These commands will create a new buffer with simplified specs for all the unthemed faces (or the subset you filtered by). Colors will be selected from the theme palette based on the nearest RGB distance to the un-themed color.

Re-using the color palette

While autothemer doesn't export the defined color variables for external use, you can define simple advice on autothemer-deftheme to do so:

(define-advice autothemer-deftheme (:before (_ _ palette &rest _) defcolors)
  (mapcar (lambda (e)
            (setf (symbol-value (car e))
                  (cadr e)))
          (cdr palette)))

If you place the advice definition before the autothemer-generated theme is loaded, e.g. my-red from the example above will be available as a variable that can be used in other parts of your emacs configuration.

Let palette

Alternatively you can create a let-like block using the macro autothemer-let-palette.
You will need to load/eval the required autothemer theme source (not byte-compiled), before executing it.

The palette color values will autocomplete, and you can check the palette with M-x macrostep-expand(place the cursor to the left of the macro call.)

macrostep-expand on autothemer-let-palette

Colorize color-names from the palette

Color names in the palette can be colorized, in any buffer.
Make sure there's a current theme in autothemer--current-theme (eval your autothemer based theme from source, not byte-code) and use:

M-x autothemer-colorize

For example, with Soothe Theme viewing soothe-tva.el:


For even more feedback, install and use the excellet Fontify-Face so you can see the current face definitions too.


In these images rainbow-mode is also swiched on, so we can see hex colors and system palette names colorized.

M-x rainbow-mode

To edit colors interatively Kurecolor will serve you well.

Select colors from the palette

Since version 0.2.8 it is possible to select a color from the palette (using the completing-read style.)

autothemer-select-color returns an autothemer--color struct (name,value)

There are also commands to insert a selected color name or it's value.

M-x  autothemer-insert-color-name


M-x  autothemer-insert-color

If autothemer--current-theme is nil, you'll need to eval an autothemer based theme before use.

Generate a SVG image of the palette

You can generate a SVG image of a theme palette:

Using autothemer-generate-palette-svg interactively, emacs will ask for the relevant parameters required. You can use options (a plist) to provide some or all of the required options.

For example:

'(:theme-file "path/folder/my-autotheme.el"
  :svg-out-file "path/folder/my-autotheme-palette.svg"
  :bg-color "#190700"
  :text-color "#FFE0C0"
  :text-accent-color "#90776C"
  :swatch-height 160
  :swatch-width 120
  :theme-name "Orangey Bits"
  :font-family "Helvetica Neue"))

autothemer-generate-palette-svg options

Option Description
theme-file Theme filename
theme-name Override the title found in :theme-file
theme-description Override the description found in :theme-file
theme-url Override the url found in :theme-file
font-family Font name to use in the generated SVG
columns Number of columns for each palette row (default: 6)
bg-color Page background color
text-color Main text color
text-accent-color Accent text color
page-template See page-template below
page-top-margin Top margin of page (Default: 120)
page-right-margin Right margin of page (Default: 30)
page-bottom-margin Bottom margin of page (Default: 60)
page-left-margin Left margin of page (Default: 30)
swatch-template See swatch-template below
swatch-border-color The border color of a color swatch
swatch-width Px spacing width of a color swatch (default: 100)
swatch-height Px spacing height of a color swatch (default: 150)
swatch-rotate Degrees of rotation for swatch (default: 45)
h-space Horizontal-space between swatches (default: 10)
v-space Vertical-space between swatches (default: 10)
sort-palette Arrange palette using a function see below
svg-out-file The file/pathname to save SVG output
:page-template and :swatch-template

For advanced customization the options :page-template and :swatch-template, can supplied as customized SVG templates.

Note: Template parameters are format style, we mark them as follows:

Page Template parameters
Param name
%1$s width
%2$s height
%3$s font-family
%4$s text-color
%5$s text-accent-color
%6$s bg-color
%7$s theme-name
%8$s theme-description
%9$s theme-url
%10$s swatches

The builtin page template

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"
<svg width="%1$spx" height="%2$spx"
     text {
         font-family: "%3$s";
         fill: %4$s;
    <rect x="0" y="0" rx="10" width="%1$spx" height="%2$spx" id="background-panel" fill="%6$s"/>
    <g transform="translate(14,10)">
        <a xlink:href="%9$s">
            <text style="font-size:42pt;" font-weight="bold" x="3%%" y="50" id="theme-name">%7$s</text>
            <text style="font-size:12pt;" x="4%%" y="75" id="theme-description">%8$s</text>
            <text style="font-size:8pt;fill: %5$s" text-anchor="end" x="95%%" y="20" id="theme-url">%9$s</text>
    <g transform="translate(70,-40)">
Swatch Template parameters
Param Description
%1$s x
%2$s y
%3$s swatch-border-color
%4$s color
%5$s text-accent-color
%6$s name
%7$s swatch-width
%8$s swatch-height
%9$s swatch-rotate

The builtin swatch template:

<g transform="translate(%1$s,%2$s),rotate(%9$s)">
    <ellipse cx="70" cy="70" rx="45" ry="45" id="background-color" fill="%3$s"/>
    <ellipse cx="70" cy="70" rx="42" ry="42" id="color" fill="%4$s"/>
    <text style="font-size:7pt" font-weight="bold" x="52" y="125" id="color-name">%6$s</text>
    <text style="font-size:7pt; fill:%5$s;" font-weight="bold" x="52" y="134" id="color">%4$s</text>
    <!-- Rect below is for debug set stroke width to be visible -->
    <rect x="0" y="0" width="%7$spx" height="%8$spx" class="debug-rect" fill-opacity="0.0" stroke-width="0.0mm" stroke="#FF8000"/>
Sorting / Grouping palette colors

The option sort-palette can be a sort function, or a plist.

Options is a plist of:

:group-fn - mandatory group function
:group-args - optional group args (to use a non-default group)
:sort-fn - optional sort function

The sort/ordering functions take args A and B, which are expected to be autothemer--color structs.

  • Darkest to lightest: autothemer-darkest-order
  • Lightest to darkest: autothemer-lightest-order
  • Hue: autothemer-hue-order
  • Saturated to desaturated: autothemer-saturated-order
  • Desaturated to saturated: autothemer-desaturated-order

Hue grouping:


Builtin hue groups:


Brightness grouping:


Builtin brightness groups:


Saturation grouping:


Builtin saturation groups:


SVG palette templates in the Wiki

I'll add some more palette SVG templates in the Wiki, link to any more you create there too. I think gists are a good way to share them.

Wiki page here


Theme Variance Architecture is the pattern used in the Gruvbox theme for creating theme variants.

For tooling compatibility you should use this architecture when creating theme variants with Autothemer.

TVA Specification

TVA requires package, themes and variants to be named using a specific convention.

Convert an autothemer based theme to the TVA style.

For example, let's say we've created a standalone theme called:


Given the package.el and Emacs convention we will have named the Emacs lisp file:


To prepare to add variants, we'll create a macro for the foo theme family. It'll look after setting all the face specs in emacs, and allow us to define our variant palette elsewhere. As long as the same palette variable names are used, we should be ok.

Let's take a look at how this was done in Gruvbox

For our foo-theme we'd do the following.

  • Create a file called foo.el in the package folder.
  • Create deftheme-foo in foo.el.
    (require 'autothemer)
    (defmacro deftheme-foo (name description palette &rest body) 
      ,(autothemer ,name
                   ((face (specs...)))
  • Move the face specs from foo-theme.el into the deftheme-foo macro definition replacing:
    ((face (specs...)))
    For Gruvbox's development, this commit captures the face specs move.. Although we'd already created variants at that point, and had a lot of code duplication. (TVA is the way we've DRYed up this duplication, giving gruvbox.el the status of single point where we add new mode support.)
  • Modify foo-theme.el
    • use deftheme-foo instead of autothemer-deftheme
    • Replace (require 'autothemer) with (require 'foo)

Creating variants.

Once we've completed the conversion to TVA style above. We can create a variant by copying foo-theme.el to a new name.

For a light variant of our theme, we'll copy foo-theme.el to foo-light-theme.el.

We can now modify the palette (use the same palette names and just modify the color values). We must also update the theme name.

Check the differences in gruvbox-theme.el and gruvbox-dark-hard-theme.el


  1 ;;; gruvbox-theme.el --- A retro-groove colour theme for Emacs -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
 53 (gruvbox-deftheme)
 54  gruvbox
 55  "A retro-groove colour theme" 
146  (custom-theme-set-variables 'gruvbox)
165 (provide-theme 'gruvbox)
172 ;;; gruvbox-theme.el ends here


  1 ;;; gruvbox-dark-hard-theme.el --- A retro-groove colour theme for Emacs -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
 55 (gruvbox-deftheme)
 56  gruvbox-dark-hard
 57  "A retro-groove colour theme (dark version, hard contrast)"
148  (custom-theme-set-variables 'gruvbox-dark-hard)
167 (provide-theme 'gruvbox-dark-hard)
173 ;;; gruvbox-dark-hard-theme.el ends here

Once this is done you test your theme.

(I use disable-theme and enable-theme to test/use themes under development.
Make sure you eval all the theme's elisp files before enabling the theme.)

Themes using Autothemer

If you are creating themes with Autothemer, please let us know, you can add the theme info to README and open a pull request. If you haven't released it as a package, via a common source, open an issue, we can help.


