The official repo of the Comics Survey: "A missing piece in Vision and Language: A Survey on Comics Understanding"
- ABaldratiUniversity of Florence - MICC, University of Pisa
- AlbinSouComputer Vision Center
- alviurAutonomous university of Barcelona
- andreagemelliLetXbe
- andreybarskyCentre de Visió per Computador
- ayanban011Computer Vision Center
- biswassanketComputer Vision Centre
- ciodarPwC
- dali92002Computer Vision Center
- dipamgoswamiComputer Vision Center
- enriciviTurin, Italy
- fabian57fabian@magenta-lab
- FedeNoceMICC,University of Florence
- fly51flyPRIS
- furkanbiten
- ganjiro
- JarvisUSTCMicrosoft Research Asia
- khanhnguyen21006Saltlux Technology
- khizirsiddiquiAMD @pensando
- Kiteretsu77Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
- koninikLuleå University of Technology
- llabresComputer Vision Center (CVC)
- LoreBerli
- LorenzoAgnolucciUniversity of Florence - Media Integration and Communication Center
- Marchetz
- marcomistrettaUniversity of Florence - Media Integration and Communication Center
- mouredGermany
- mramzy25Computer Vision Center, UAB, Barcelona Spain - AASTMT, Alexandria, Egypt
- NiccoBiondi
- PDillisComputer Vision Center
- ptorrasComputer Vision Center
- rizzoligiuliaUniversity of Padova
- Sergigb
- ShungJhon
- soumitri2001CS PhD @ UNC Chapel Hill
- yzj2019