
Primary LanguagePython


Prerequisites and setup

Environment Setup

  1. Install Unreal Engine 4.23.1. Make sure the version of editor is 4.23.1.

  2. Install Microsoft AirSim as a plugin in UE4. You can follow the instruction on AirSim handbook

  3. Download scene of an urban crossroads system that we made for this experiment.

    .\AD_Cookbook_Start_AirSim.ps1 landscape

How to run the simulator

  1. Replace setting.json of AirSim with the file we provided.

  2. Run the scene in UE4.

  3. Run CarControls.py and you will see the car flow on map.

  4. You can choose either Training_dqn.py or Testing_dqn.py to reproduce our expeirments.

Build the Simulator of Traffic Intersection

  1. Airsim & UE4
  1. Traffic Map Build
import ue4 file (file link)
  1. Car Control
  1. Traffic Light Control

Reinforcement Learning for Intelligence Traffic Light Control

  1. Single Intersection
DQN or other RL Approach