
Temporary landing page for the ISAL student group

ECAL 2017

We are hosting some events at ECAL 2017.

Social Event

Thursday, Sept 9, 20:30 Location TBA

We're going to grab drinks and food after the Thursday session. Come join!

Student Meeting

There is a student meeting during the Friday session (10:30-12). The agenda is:

  1. Student group overview

    The ISAL Student group formed at the 2016 Alife conference and has been meeting regularly on Slack, Discord, and Hangouts since. We discuss articles, do presentations, and chat about artificial life topics.

  2. Chair positions explanation and nominations

    There are five current chairs, and we are looking to add a sixth, Secretary:

    • General Chair
    • Vice Chair
    • ISAL board representative
    • Communications Chair
    • Treasurer
    • Secretary

    Nominations are open until September 15th, and students can announce their nominations and introduce themselves during the meeting.

  3. Projects and ideas

    There are a number of ideas we've had as a group that we'd like to realize, like a podcast and entries in the ISAL journal. We'll discuss other ideas as a group during the meeting.

  4. Flash talks

    Students are welcome to give a 5 minute talk about their research or a topic they find interesting. Sign up to give a flash talk. There are 5 slots for talks, and they will be given first-come, first-serve.


Follow us on twitter or email the Communications Chair Dennis to get a Slack invite.