
Source code and scripts for "Applying Ecological Principles to Genetic Programming" in GPTP 2017

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

This repository contains all code to generate and analyze data for:

Applying Ecological Principles to Genetic Programming

Chapter in Genetic Programming in Theory and Practice, 2017

By Emily Dolson, Wolfgang Banzhaf, and Charles Ofria


In this chapter, we discuss the importance of ecological dynamics in genetic programming (and evolutionary computation more generally) by identifying a number of successful approaches that are aleady taking advantage of them in various forms.

In particular we discuss the idea of "ecologically-mediated hints": suggestions about how to solve the problem, provided by associating them with ecological niches. We explore the trade-offs of providing these hints via two different algorithms: Lexicase selection and Eco-EA. We find that Lexicase selection performs better in cases where all of the hints are accurate. When some hints are misleading, however, Eco-EA outperforms Lexicase selection.

Interactive dashboard for exploring this paper:

In the process of writing this paper, I put together a simple dashboard for exploring the effects of various parameters. The interface is not particularly nice, as it was something I threw together relatively quickly to test some assumptions. However, in case it is useful to anybody, it is available here: https://emilydolson.github.io/eco-ea-box/web/eco-ea-box.html.

The colored-boxes on the left represent individuals in the population (each row is an individual, each box is one site in it's genome; red sites are closer to 0, blue/purple sites are closer to 1). There is a histogram for each site in the genome, displaying the distribution of values for that site across the population. You can start evolution with the "start" button. The drop-down menu lets you choose a selection scheme. The text boxes let you enter a value for the corresponding parameter. Make sure to click the "reset" button after changing any settings. If you do not change a parameter, it will be set to its default value. The website will interpret clicking on a text box as changing the parameter, so only click one if you intend to enter a number. n_good and n_bad control the number of good and bad hints respectively. Good hints will be provided for the first n_good dimensions, and bad hints for the following n_bad dimensions. These numbers must sum to 10 or less.

Repository contents:

  • Makefile: for compiling experiment code (make) and the interactive dashboard (make web)
  • config: contains the executable used to run all experiments described in the paper.
  • source: contains source code for the experiment. source/box_world.h contains the majority of the relevant code. source/native contains the .cc file for compiling a C++ executable. source/web contains the .cc file for compiling a javascript executable (for interactive dahsboard)
  • web: contains the compiled javascript for the interactive dashboard, an html file the loads it, and the d3 library to run the data visualizations.
  • scripts: contains run_list files listing all of command-line instructions to run these experiments, stats.R (an R file to run all of the stats), the figure generated by that R code, the final data (all_data.csv), and a script that was used to generate the run_list files.


  • Empirical: A library of tools for writing scientific software. Necessary for recompiling any of the C++ code. Specifically, the data for this paper were generated using this fork at commit 0342b5e33fe1faee08868d38ee866dd1c5223c03.
  • Emscripten: For compiling the interactive web version.
  • R: For running the stats. Additionally, you will need the readr, dplyr, ggplot2, brglm R packages.
  • If you want to run the run_list files, the easiest option is to copy the bash lines and run them however is most convenient for you. If you happen to be running them on a computer cluster using the PBS queue system, though, you can use dist_qsub to translate them directly to .qsub files.