
CC65 - Run window not showing anything over v5.1.3

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I'm having trouble getting the Run window tab to show anything on the recent update, it works when I revert to 5.1.3, using GTK Vice 3.6.1

Hello seanwiththebeard,

did you see the Bug Report template when you created your issue? I need to know some more information and that had a number of questions on it that would have been helpful.

Platform information (please complete the following information):
Are you using VSCode or Codium?

Press Ctrl+Shift+P in Code and search for "About". Paste the version information.

What version of VICE are you using? (Help menu > About VICE)

Do you have cc65 installed separately or are you using the builtin one?
If you have it installed separately, be sure you are using the one with the changes from empathicqubit/cc65

OS Type (Mac OS, Windows, Linux):
OS Version:
For Windows use Reg Query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v ReleaseId
For Mac OS use sw_vers
For Linux use lsb_release -a

Use one of the above commands and paste the result here

OS Architecture (for example, amd64, i686, arm, arm64):

If you are able please provide your PATH:
For Windows (cmd) use echo %PATH%
For Mac OS/Linux use echo $PATH
Be sure to remove any information you consider sensitive. Replace it with REDACTED

Paste your PATH here
For example /usr/bin:REDACTED:/home/user/bin


Okay, I'm able to reproduce pretty easily on Windows. I'm unable to make automated tests for Windows, so thanks for reporting this.

The issue should be fixed in v6.1.2