
Add Mineable Asteroid Information to 'Local Map' information

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Problem Description

I would like to receive information about mineable asteroids when you purchase 'Local Map'. Currently only after scanning a system and identifying a particualr kind of asteroid is that information add to the map>outfitter>minerals.

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Desired Solution

Receive information about mineable asteroids when purchasing 'Local Map's

Alternative Approaches

Have mineable asteroid automatically added when entering a system, maybe with an asteroid scanner

Additional Context

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I have a similar idea in my head for a while. What I'd do personally, is adding a new panel somewhere near the trading panel in the job board/map, where you can see every minable asteroid and its percentage of the total minables in the system.

that would be great, the current location for finding what mineable asteroids are in a system is incredibly non-intuitive.

also some indication of mineable asteroid density would be nice. maybe not exact numerical value but "low moderate high" scheme would be fine.

The game already keeps tabs in a limited way, there's just no display for that data: Open your save in a text editor, read the top-level "harvested" node. That could be cross-joined to the system minables for some "density you might know about" data...

...Add as simple grid to "i" key info panel as new tab... Now if this were Unciv I'd have it done in 15 minutes. "somewhere near the trading panel in the job board/map" ...so it could work similar to selecting commodities to see their relative value as colors - even better, but by my guess a little more code?

What could be done to still have the same space in the UI, is to make both commodities and asteroids information on the same panel, but you could should which info to display with a simple tab (tab similar to google's ones for example), if that makes sense.

Ok but human ones will only display obvious minerals like: iron, silicon, lead, copper. Not: neodium, titanium, tungsten, gold, uranium. This way players still have to find valuable asteroids.