
FW Syndicate Extremists 1B quest breaks when no passenger space is available on flagship

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Is there an existing issue for this?

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Describe the bug

The subject mission has a very odd quirk, if there is no passenger space on the flagship when cloaking device is installed, the passenger is assigned to a random oathkeeper ship, which promptly dies during the battle at buccaneer bay. The quest then gets stuck with message "you have not killed all syndicate ships", which is incorrect (as they are all dead). The real issue is that a critical passenger is dead, but you'd never know that. As a result it is impossible to progress the storyline. Save file with bug triggered attached.
The workaround is to ensure you have a passenger bunk free before installing cloak device as suggested here:

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Go to install cloaker device with full crew complement
  2. Proceed to buccaneer bay for showdown with syndicate renegade fleet
  3. Kill everything, but lose some oathkeeper boats while doing so
  4. See error reported on landing, get confused.

Expected Behavior

Either a) some of the crew gets fired automatically or b) quest gets mission failed status when passenger dies


No response

Link to save file


Operating System


Game Source

Other (please describe)

Game Version

Endless Sky ver. 0.10.6

Additional Information

No response

Can you upload a save file from when you have landed on Buccaneer Bay and seen the unexpected message?

The passenger is on the parked Hauler II in the Delta Capricorni system. Unpark that ship and you can complete the mission.

Passengers are never put onto mission NPCs, only your own ships.

I've also noticed that cargo can get stuck in parked ships as well, which is similarly surprising (one would expect for it to get moved to non-parked ships, especially since there is no way to control which ship holds which cargo).