
Unfettered Tribute missions; receiving the wrong dialogue and odd behavior.

xX-Dillinger-Xx opened this issue · 7 comments

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Describe the bug

I accepted a tribute mission on the job board. It sent me to Hai-home. I didn’t have permission to land on Hai-home. When I 'talked' to Hai-home I got the wrong dialogue.
“After speaking with the Unfettered and explaining your presence, they give you permission to land with the tribute from the other Hai."
I had no issue landing back on Dark Cloud, because I've already sold them jump drives. I can't even get this mission until after that point anyway.

Steps to Reproduce

1: go to Dark Cloud sell them jump drives to unlock the missions, before you do any of the Hai reveal.
2: accept missions to pick a tribute from 'restricted' Hai planets.
3: go to said 'restricted' Hai planet.
4: attempt to land
5: talk to planet

Expected Behavior

It should read,
“After speaking to the Hai and explaining your presence, they give you permission to land and pick-up their tribute for the Unfettered.”


No response

Link to save file

No response

Operating System


Game Source


Game Version

PR #6416 and also any other version.

Additional Information

No response

Can confirm.
Test Pilot~Hai-home Clearance.txt

EDIT: Screenshot

EDIT: The bug is that clearance shouldn’t be offering at all and the job shouldn’t be selecting Hai-home as a stopover. According to the wiki, clearance only works on destination planets.

While retesting some things for Hurl, I noticed that upon accepting the mission the cargo was immediately loaded onto my ship. This was before I even left to go pick it up. The cargo shouldn't be loaded until I arrive at my pick-up destination.
Should I open a second issue for this or leave it here?

Well it kinda is a code limitation, but it's fine; at first the cargo is "reserved" then it actually is placed there.

Normally I'd say just make this not go to Hai-home, but the uhai campaign actually has a hai-home tribute mission, so that supposed to be a thing.

Well it kinda is a code limitation, but it's fine; at first the cargo is "reserved" then it actually is placed there.

Aren't there missions in other places that ask to pick-up stuff? I thought there was and don't remember noticing this issue before.
And it is kind of an issue if you want take another mission 'taking stuff' somewhere along the way.

All mission picking stuff up do this, precisely so it doesnt cause issues with other missions because the space was already allocated