
Fleets assigned to a system their government is restricted from will not behave correctly

warp-core opened this issue · 1 comments

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Describe the bug

#6489 introduced the ability for a government to be given "restrictions".
These restriction filters are supposed to prevent ships of that government from entering systems or landing on planets that match the filter.
However, these restrictions should not apply to fleets that are specifically assigned to a system that their government is restricted from. If there is an adjacent system or local planet that that government is not restricted from, the fleet should be able to enter its assigned system via that entrypoint. This is not currently the case, though.

Steps to Reproduce

Load the given save. I have added a restriction for the Wanderer government from Unfettered Hai planets and systems at the top of the "changes" section.
Take off.
Travel to Chy'chra. (The route is already planned. Just hit your jump key.)
Avoid being destroyed by the Unfettered. Either bribe them or use the cloak.
Wait. The "Wanderer Defense" fleet has a period of 3000. This means we should expect to see one about every 50 seconds. However, no such fleet will ever enter the system.

Expected Behavior

The "Wanderer Defense" fleet should still be entering the the Chy'chra system despite the restrictions because it is specifically assigned to that system.


No response

Link to save file

warp core wanderer restrictions test.txt

Operating System

Windows 10

Game Source

Built from source

Game Version


Additional Information

No response

I can confirm, I just tried restricting the uhai from entering wah ki and its been awfully quiet
I swear it was working at some point