- 0
- 0
Download videos in the background
#59 opened by jlfranklin - 0
Python 3.12 causes segfaults when trying to reboot kodi with screensaver.atv4 installed
#58 opened by graysky2 - 0
is it possible to scale Aerial videos to 4:3 aspect ratio on a CRT monitor?
#54 opened by minimumattic - 3
[v3.0.1] Settings > Offline mode: 'Download Videos' in alphabetical order, but 'All' option isn't listed first
#48 opened by ptooey - 1
Both playback and offline download of some targets fail when HEVC is not enabled
#49 opened by graysky2 - 1
Show details of location
#53 opened by NikolaiHampton - 9
video opens in background
#44 opened by bam80 - 0
Feature request Folders
#52 opened by C4Wiz - 1
- 1
Kodi crashing / freezing after running the screensaver for a while (crash log included)
#50 opened by Suffice - 5
Issues CEC Activate command when starting
#24 opened by noctividus - 2
- 9
4K/HDR screensavers
#28 opened by swrobel - 22
- 1
Refresh for Kodi Matrix?
#45 opened by graysky2 - 2
Not starting when music is playing
#16 opened by Unkn0wn-MDCLXIV - 2
No attribute screensaver
#2 opened by dmwyatt - 0
screensaver restarts on key press
#43 opened by bam80 - 0
feature request: overlay descriptions
#42 opened by bam80 - 0
- 2
Support for Raspberry Pi GPIO control?
#40 opened by Split7fire - 1
Duplicates of downloaded videos
#38 opened by Agahx - 6
Repeat videos mode always on/not deactivated
#21 opened by flochy - 0
Exit from screensaver with LMB
#37 opened by Agahx - 2
Offline mode still contacts apple servers
#30 opened by graysky2 - 8
- 1
no video at all
#29 opened by svnt - 2
Issue with "Download folder" is a symlink.
#22 opened by ZacWolf - 2
- 2
Tarball name contains superfluous name
#25 opened by graysky2 - 3
Feature request: use CEC to determine if TV is on or off and stop playing the screensaver if the TV is off
#20 opened by graysky2 - 39
- 3
Suddenly videos don't load
#19 opened by cmsimike - 10
- 29
- 7
Not starting when video is paused
#8 opened by utack - 23
Videos don't play as smoothly in screensaver mode
#14 opened by tremby - 3
Error when downloading videos
#17 opened by tremby - 1
- 2
Please use tags for your version
#5 opened by graysky2 - 7
- 1
change os.path.exists to xbmcvfs.exists
#9 opened by tknorris - 6
Does not run on Krypton
#10 opened by graysky2 - 2
- 8
- 0