
HC-SR04-UltraSonicSensor-ROS-RaspberryPi using Python

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

HC-SR04 UltraSonic Sensor - ROS in Python


● Circuit

  • Raspberry pi cannot get input for 5V but 3.3V so we have to reduce voltage using Resistance like here

  • Plug into GPIO, for my code,
    • Vcc to any 5V (pin number 2)
    • GND to any Ground (pin number 9)
    • TRIG to GPIO 27 (pin number 13)
    • Echo to GPIO 17 (pin number 11)

  • Result image on Raspberry pi board on Turtlebot3

● Code explanation

  • Import libraries and setup GPIO pins
    #!/usr/bin/env python
    import RPi.GPIO as gpio
    import time
    import sys
    import signal
    def signal_handler(signal, frame): # ctrl + c -> exit program
            print('You pressed Ctrl+C!')
    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
    trig = 27 # 7th
    echo = 17 # 6th
    gpio.setup(trig, gpio.OUT)
    gpio.setup(echo, gpio.IN)
    1.signal_handler function exit program when terminal gets CTRL + C
    2.You should change trig and echo value if you want to plug those into different GPIOs

  • Trig pulse and wait Echo
    print ('-----------------------------------------------------------------sonar start')
    try :
        while True :
            gpio.output(trig, False)
            gpio.output(trig, True)
            gpio.output(trig, False)
            while gpio.input(echo) == 0 :
                pulse_start = time.time()
            while gpio.input(echo) == 1 :
                pulse_end = time.time()
            pulse_duration = pulse_end - pulse_start
            distance = pulse_duration * 17000
            if pulse_duration >=0.01746:
                print('time out')
            elif distance > 300 or distance==0:
                print('out of range')
            distance = round(distance, 3)
            print ('Distance : %f cm'%distance)
    except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
    3.Wait 0.1 second to be stable and then Trig pulse for 0.00001 sec
    4.Wait until Echo pulse comes in and then calculate pulse_duration time
    5.Calculate Distance using Speed of Sound, approximately 340m/s, here 17000cm/s for round-trip of pulse
    6.Limit the result by time out and maximum distance by sensor's specification

● Using the code directly

  • git clone the codes first
    $ git clone https://github.com/engcang/HC-SR04-UltraSonicSensor-ROS-RaspberryPi.git
    $ cd HC-SR04-UltraSonicSensor-ROS-RaspberryPi
    $ python sonar_sensor.py

● Using the code as ROS node

  • git clone the codes first
    $ git clone https://github.com/engcang/HC-SR04-UltraSonicSensor-ROS-RaspberryPi.git

  • Run the code directly with ROS Master
    $ roscore
    $ python ROS_sonar_sensor.py

  • Run the code after make it as Node
    $ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
    $ catkin_create_pkg <name> rospy roslib std_msgs
    $ cd ~/catkin_ws && catkin_make
    $ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/<name> && mkdir scripts
    $ mv ~/HC-SR04-UltraSonicSensor-ROS-RaspberryPi/ROS_sonar_sensor.py ~/catkin_ws/src/<name>/scripts
    $ chmod +x ROS_sonar_sensor.py
    $ roscore
    $ rosrun <name> ROS_sonar_sensor.py

  • Run the code by ROS launch
    <node pkg="<name>" type="ROS_sonar_sensor.py" name="ROS_sonar_sensor" />
    Simply add this line into launch file you want to launch together

  • Result data by rostopic echo /sonar_dist