
submodules verilog

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi , I am generating verilog file through gen.py and I did see a top level verilog file in the "build" folder. However , I found I missed all the submodules used in the top level, like "BUFG"or "IOBUF" which I could trace to some other python file.Does anyone have ideas on how to generate all the verilog files needed including all the submodules.Sincerely appreciate any suggestion!

Some submodules like "BUFG" or "IOBUF" are specific to the tools for the board you use (in this case I assume it is the Xilinx tools?) and you shouldn't need to Verilog code for them...

Hi @CarrolXC,

these primitives are indeed Xilinx's primitives with models available in Unisim: https://github.com/Xilinx/XilinxUnisimLibrary. You'll be able to simulate them with Xilinx simulator of by also compiling these models with your simulator (should work with iverilog, would need to be tested with Verilator).