
Need to repeat last primitive after an ALIGN when sending CONT

enjoy-digital opened this issue · 1 comments

After ALIGN, when we are sending CONT, we need to repeat the last primitive before sending the next CONT.

Currently we are doing this:

and should do this:

Solved via f289cae

Here is a capture of link_tb:

[LNK]: 82da3296        554beb30        
[LNK]: a162c4fe        f92e2003        
[LNK]: ba854f50        b8944986        
[LNK]: 7b4a4abc ALIGN  3058575f        
[LNK]: 7b4a4abc ALIGN  6a92c754        
[LNK]: b5b5957c SYNC   6a03d328        
[LNK]: b5b5957c SYNC   33db7d60        
[LNK]: 9999aa7c CONT   e8f70e45        
[LNK]: a145b2cf        9a00799a        
[LNK]: 89d1c87b        b54705ab        
[LNK]: 2fdbb5ef        7638a195        
[LNK]: d2cc2305        bcc64708        
[LNK]: d8b5f345        6e8b70ca