
Test/PoC of 64-bit addressing in LiteX.

Primary LanguagePython

[> Intro

This project aims to demonstrate 64-bit addressing in LiteX. The following PoC design is created to demonstrate a first use-case of 64-bit addressing: Being able to MMAP a full 2GB DRAM to a LiteX SoC:

[> Run Tests/Simulations.

  • wishbone64bitsSRAMAccess.py: wishbone only test
  • axi64bitsSRAMAccess.py: to test AXILite to AXILite or wishbone to AXILite

Data are 32bits width and bus is configured with 64bits address width.

In both case:

  • two generators produces a stream to fill two SRAM:
    1. the first has an base address >32bits
    2. the second has an base adresse < 32bits
  • when generators finishes two checkers reads SRAM content and compare values with the pattern writen by generators.


python3 -m wishbone64bitsSRAMAccess [--trace]


python3 -m axi64bitsSRAMAccess [--trace] [--endpoint-bus-std BUS_STANDARD]


  • wishbone
  • axi-lite (default)

--trace is used to write an vcd file with signals dump (build/sim/gateware/sim.vcd)

[> Build/Run it on Arty (256MB of RAM).


python -m digilent_arty --build --load [--sram-test] [--sdram-test]
  • sram-test is a small test with two SRAM: one located at 0x0_0002_0000, second at 0x4_0002_0000
  • sdram-test add a new SoCRegion at 0x4_0000_0000 connected to a second SDRAM port.

Note: for both test --bus-standard=axi-lite may be used to replace wishbone by an axi-lite bus.

Note: litex_server must be run after load:

litex_server --uart --addr-width=64 --uart-port=/dev/ttyUSB1


Both have the same base 0x20000 but second is displaced by 0x400000000 (2^34), so if MSB are dropped all write/read with be applied in the first SRAM Region.

** Usage **

./test_SRAMAccess.py [--sram] [--access]
  • --sram fills first SRAM with one sequence and second with another sequence and read back both regions to check if no collision.
  • --access is similar but instead of writting a linear sequence, patterns are written at a random address.


This test add a second SoCRegion connected to a second SDRAM's port. This allows to validate SDRAM access with high address (SDRAM is mirrored in both SoCRegion.

** Usage**

# Write at > 32bits adr
litex_cli --write 0x400000000 0x12345678
# read at > 32bits adr
litex_cli --read  0x400000000
 0x400000000 : 0x12345678
# read at < 32bits adr
litex_cli --read  0x40000000
0x40000000 : 0x12345678
# with bios (< 32bits adr):
mem_read 0x40000000
Memory dump:
0x40000000  78 56 34 12                                      xV4.

[> Build/Run it on XCU1525 (2GB of RAM).


python -m sqrl_xcu1525 --build --load [--sdram-test]

Note: Again litex_server must be loaded to access FPGA.

litex_server --uart --addr-width=64 --uart-port=/dev/ttyUSB2

This test is similar to the arty demo but since the board as a memory capacity > 2GB all read > 32bits can't be read back by accessing main_ram region.

./test_SDRAMaccess.py [--sram] [--wr-rd] [--offset OFFSET] [--seed SEED]


  • --sram will fill an SDRAM area starting at myram base address + offset (Default: 0) with a sequence (the first value is fixed by seed (Default: 0xCAFEBEBE)
  • --wr-rd is a write then read test to write seed at myram base address + offset