
Integration test of Verilog AXI modules (https://github.com/alexforencich/verilog-axi) with LiteX.

Primary LanguagePython

[> Intro

This repository is an experiment to wrap Alex Forenchich's Verilog-AXI core with LiteX to easily compose AXI systems with it.

[> AXI-Lite Status

Module Status
axil_adapter Done, passing simple tests
axil_cdc Done, passing simple tests
axil_crossbar Done, passing simple tests
axil_dp_ram Done, passing simple tests
axil_interconnect Done, passing simple tests
axil_ram Done, passing simple tests
axil_register Done, passing simple tests

[> AXI <-> AXI-Lite Status

Module Status
axi_axil_adapter Done, passing simple tests

[> AXI Status

Module Status
axi_adapter Done, Verilator compil issue
axi_cdma Wrapped, need testing
axi_crossbar Done, passing simple tests
axi_dma Wrapped, need testing
axi_dp_ram Done, passing simple tests
axi_fifo Done, passing simple tests
axi_interconnect Done, passing simple tests
axi_ram Done, passing simple tests
axi _register Done, passing simple tests