
Integration test of Verilog AXI Stream modules (https://github.com/alexforencich/verilog-axis) with LiteX.

Primary LanguagePython

[> Intro

This repository is an experiment to wrap Alex Forenchich's Verilog-AXI-Stream core with LiteX to easily compose AXI systems with it.

[> AXI-Stream Status

Module Status
axis_adapter Done, passing simple tests
axis_arb_mux Done, passing simple tests
axis_async_fifo Done, passing simple tests
axis_async_fifo_adapter Useless, will be composed with LiteX and axis_fifo/adapter
axis_broadcast Done, passing simple tests
axis_cobs_decode TODO
axis_cobs_encode TODO
axis_crosspoint Done, Verilator compil issue
axis_demux Done, passing simple tests
axis_fifo Done, passing simple tests
axis_fifo_adapter TODO
axis_frame_join TODO
axis_frame_length_adjust TODO
axis_frame_length_adjust_fifo TODO
axis_mux Done, passing simple tests
axis_pipeline_fifo Useless, will be composed with LiteX and axis_fifo
axis_pipeline_register Useless, will be composed with LiteX and axis_register
axis_ram_switch Done, Verilator compil issue
axis_rate_limit Done, passing simple tests
axis_register Done, passing simple tests
axis_srl_fifo Done, passing simple tests
axis_srl_register Done, passing simple tests
axis_stat_counter TODO
axis_switch Done, passing simple tests
axis_tap Done, need testing

[> AXI-Stream <-> LocalLink Status

Module Status
axis_ll_bridge TODO
ll_axis_bridge TODO