A Javascript automator for the 2015 Summer Steam Monster Minigame
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The game's over...
#187 opened by thelulzy - 1
7.0.3 Topline displays wrong Level and Expected Jump show always same Value
#186 opened by K4r0qtuYNE5G4qgZ - 8
A series of thoughts
#173 opened by sinnoaria - 44
Needs updated to new strategies!
#177 opened by cdmichaelb - 6
Autobuy wastes a lot of money when you can't survive for 30 seconds and you're low on money
#174 opened by lolbifrons - 2
- 1
[Suggestion] On x100 levels, group players in non-boss rooms so LN spam doesn't help trolls reset nuke cooldowns
#184 opened by meekmeekmeek - 17
Raining Gold doesn't seem to be activating
#164 opened by CaptDreamer - 6
Decreased Cooldowns
#159 opened by cdmichaelb - 1
[Possible Enhancement] Joining multiple rooms?
#183 opened by ensingm2 - 1
Survival time does not stay upon refresh
#181 opened by sinnoaria - 14
Wormhole Usage
#161 opened by InfamousMyzt - 1
Use consumables when there are plenty to spare
#179 opened by Kronkleberry - 3
End Round consumable spam not working
#180 opened by ensingm2 - 5
Wormhole + Raining Gold
#172 opened by cdmichaelb - 6
Upgrade calculator upgrade (click vs auto turret)
#178 opened by ensingm2 - 11
buying cheap upgrades
#124 opened by mawilek - 9
Slow rendering won't stop
#154 opened by matan7890 - 1
Increase living priority
#175 opened by cdmichaelb - 5
Disable ability use particles?
#114 opened by cdmichaelb - 5
[QUESTION] Should we disable enemy HP easing?
#118 opened by ensingm2 - 4
Have "survivalTime" as a variable
#169 opened by Besfr - 1
Keep low fps setting after refresh
#166 opened by xrokis - 10
Liquidate items when server is ending soon.
#133 opened by cdmichaelb - 3
IRC opens in tab in same window as game
#162 opened by thelulzy - 9
Gaining new Crit items faster than they are used
#115 opened by thelulzy - 6
Crit vs Elemental
#160 opened by Ashnal - 9
Are we sure slaves are actually having an impact?
#109 opened by thelulzy - 1
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- 1
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Element Choice (Might not be an issue)
#93 opened by cdmichaelb - 0
Music not disabling properly
#103 opened by vanZeben - 3
Unknown error, script doesnt start (version 1.84)
#108 opened by coatsy22 - 4
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... Awkward.
#123 opened by ensingm2 - 3
IRC should not use account-name
#143 opened by SM411 - 2
Uncaught ReferenceError: GM_info is not defined
#144 opened by nuadi - 0
Enable Particles is broken
#145 opened by InfamousMyzt - 1
- 16
Random Element vs Predetermined
#94 opened by DannyDaemonic - 8
Improved UI
#96 opened - 2
Add banner telling users not to close tabs, etc.
#134 opened by vadsamoht - 1
- 1
Match farmGoldOnBossesLevelDiff with other scripts
#147 opened by kaetemi - 2
Slow FPS Mode doesn't disable
#150 opened by cdmichaelb - 6
[Suggestion] Have the scripts display a link on the game page to your room's IRC channel
#117 opened by thelulzy - 5
Auto-integrated leaderboard
#127 opened by vanZeben - 5
Randomize ability usage time/%.
#119 opened by cdmichaelb - 1
Keep autoclicking when minimized
#120 opened by ensingm2 - 6
Suggestions? Post here or somewhere else?
#106 opened by cdmichaelb