

ローカルPCでAMQ Brker HA Replicatedを試す。


$ ./ 

##                                                             ##
##  Setting up the JBoss AMQ 7 Replicated HA Demo              ##
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  - Stop all existing AMQ processes...

  - Red Hat JBoss AMQ Broker is present...

  - existing Red Hat JBoss AMQ Broker install detected...

  - moving existing Red Hat JBoss AMQ Broker aside...

  - Unpacking Red Hat JBoss AMQ Broker 7.8.1

  - Making sure 'AMQ' for server is executable...

  - Create Replicated Master

Creating ActiveMQ Artemis instance at: /Users/hoge/amq/target/amq-broker-7.8.1/instances/replicatedMaster

You can now start the broker by executing:  

   "/Users/hoge/amq/target/amq-broker-7.8.1/instances/replicatedMaster/bin/artemis" run

Or you can run the broker in the background using:

   "/Users/hoge/amq/target/amq-broker-7.8.1/instances/replicatedMaster/bin/artemis-service" start

  - Change default configuration to avoid duplicated live broker when failingback

  - Changing default master clustering configuration

  - Create Replicated Slave

Creating ActiveMQ Artemis instance at: /Users/hoge/amq/target/amq-broker-7.8.1/instances/replicatedSlave

You can now start the broker by executing:  

   "/Users/hoge/amq/target/amq-broker-7.8.1/instances/replicatedSlave/bin/artemis" run

Or you can run the broker in the background using:

   "/Users/hoge/amq/target/amq-broker-7.8.1/instances/replicatedSlave/bin/artemis-service" start

  - Change default configuration to automate failback

  - Changing default master clustering configuration

  - Start up AMQ Master in the background

Starting artemis-service
artemis-service is now running (18898)
  - Testing broker,retry when not ready
  - Start up AMQ Slave in the background

Starting artemis-service
artemis-service is now running (19023)
  - Testing broker,retry when not ready
  - Create haQueue on master broker

Connection brokerURL = tcp://localhost:61616
Queue [name=haQueue, address=haQueue, routingType=ANYCAST, durable=true, purgeOnNoConsumers=false, autoCreateAddress=false, exclusive=false, lastValue=false, lastValueKey=null, nonDestructive=false, consumersBeforeDispatch=0, delayBeforeDispatch=-1, autoCreateAddress=false] created successfully.

To stop the backgroud AMQ broker processes, please go to bin folders and execute 'artemis-service stop'




コンポーネント リスナーポート
web http://localhost:8161
artemis tcp://
amqp tcp://
stomp tcp://
hornetq tcp://
mqtt tcp://



ポート関連 ※オフセット100

コンポーネント リスナーポート
web http://localhost:8261
artemis tcp://
amqp tcp://
stomp tcp://
hornetq tcp://
mqtt tcp://


1. メッセージの送信


$ target/amq-broker-7.8.1/instances/replicatedMaster/bin/artemis producer --message-count 10 --url "tcp://" --destination queue://haQueue
Connection brokerURL = tcp://
Producer ActiveMQQueue[haQueue], thread=0 Started to calculate elapsed time ...

Producer ActiveMQQueue[haQueue], thread=0 Produced: 10 messages
Producer ActiveMQQueue[haQueue], thread=0 Elapsed time in second : 0 s
Producer ActiveMQQueue[haQueue], thread=0 Elapsed time in milli second : 51 milli seconds



2. マスターブローカーのシャットダウン

$ target/amq-broker-7.8.1/instances/replicatedMaster/bin/artemis-service stop
Gracefully Stopping artemis-service

3. スレーブブローカーでメッセージを確認する。


4. フェイルバック


$ target/amq-broker-7.8.1/instances/replicatedMaster/bin/artemis-service start
Starting artemis-service
artemis-service is now running (25146)


5. マスターブローカーからメッセージを受信する。


hoge@hoge-mac amq % target/amq-broker-7.8.1/instances/replicatedMaster/bin/artemis consumer --message-count 10 --url "tcp://" --destination queue://haQueue
Connection brokerURL = tcp://
Consumer:: filter = null
Consumer ActiveMQQueue[haQueue], thread=0 wait until 10 messages are consumed
Consumer ActiveMQQueue[haQueue], thread=0 Consumed: 10 messages
Consumer ActiveMQQueue[haQueue], thread=0 Elapsed time in second : 0 s
Consumer ActiveMQQueue[haQueue], thread=0 Elapsed time in milli second : 14 milli seconds
Consumer ActiveMQQueue[haQueue], thread=0 Consumed: 10 messages
Consumer ActiveMQQueue[haQueue], thread=0 Consumer thread finished

6. マスターブローカが復旧してもスレーブブローカーにデータが残っているので、消す必要がある。


$ target/amq-broker-7.8.1/instances/replicatedSlave/bin/artemis consumer --message-count 10 --url "tcp://" --destination queue://haQueue
Connection brokerURL = tcp://
Consumer:: filter = null
Consumer ActiveMQQueue[haQueue], thread=0 wait until 10 messages are consumed
Consumer ActiveMQQueue[haQueue], thread=0 Consumed: 10 messages
Consumer ActiveMQQueue[haQueue], thread=0 Elapsed time in second : 0 s
Consumer ActiveMQQueue[haQueue], thread=0 Elapsed time in milli second : 13 milli seconds
Consumer ActiveMQQueue[haQueue], thread=0 Consumed: 10 messages
Consumer ActiveMQQueue[haQueue], thread=0 Consumer thread finished
hoge@hoge-mac amq % 

7. 後処理

AMQ Brokerのマスターブローカーとスレーブブローカーを停止する。

target/amq-broker-7.8.1/instances/replicatedMaster/bin/artemis-service stop
target/amq-broker-7.8.1/instances/replicatedSlave/bin/artemis-service stop

8. まとめ


         <!-- Connector used to be announced through cluster connections and notifications -->
         <connector name="artemis">tcp://</connector>
         <connector name="discovery-connector">tcp://</connector>

         <cluster-connection name="my-cluster">



         <!-- Connector used to be announced through cluster connections and notifications -->
         <connector name="artemis">tcp://</connector>
         <connector name="discovery-connector">tcp://</connector>

         <cluster-connection name="my-cluster">
