
A really basic RF 433MHz switch for a 4 channel relay module.

Primary LanguageC++


A really basic RF 433MHz switch for a 4 channel relay module.

This will save and restore states from EEPROM when powercycling the Arduino. (So, like turning lights on or off.)

PIN function
D2 RF receiver input
D3 Relay #1 IN
D4 Relay #2 IN
D5 Relay #3 IN
D6 Relay #4 IN

Remote values are hard-coded into the code, you may need to change those.

const unsigned long COMMANDS_ON[] =  {
  1064981,    // relay 1
  1052693,    // relay 2
  1069077,    // relay 3
  1066005     // relay 4
const unsigned long COMMANDS_OFF[] = {
  1064980,    // relay 1
  1052692,    // relay 2
  1069076,    // relay 3
  1066004     // relay 4

To get codes, use the RCSwitch library's ReceiveDemo sketch on your Arduino. https://github.com/sui77/rc-switch/tree/master/examples/ReceiveDemo_Advanced