
This project aims to develop a compiler and virtual machine for the Alpha programming language. The compiler will translate Alpha source code into machine code, while the virtual machine will provide an execution environment for running Alpha programs.

Primary LanguageC

Alpha Compiler - Phase 4_5


Παναγιώτης-Μιχαήλ Αλεξίου csd3665

Κουμάκης Εμμανουήλ csd4281

Ευθύμης Παπαγεωργίου csd4340


  • Everything works as expected (including bonus)

How to build Compiler

cd compiler

How to run Compiler

cd compiler
./bin/alphac /path/to/test

How to clean Compiler

cd compiler
make clean

How to build Virtual Machine

cd vm

How to run Virtual Machine

cd vm

By default vm will open the binary.abc which is generated by the compiler

How to clean Virtual Machine

cd vm
make clean