DS-based motion planning for the iCub using the reactive omnidirectional walking controller proposed in [1] guided by a DS learned from demonstrations with the 1) LPV-DS approach [2] and the 2) LAGS-DS approach [3]. The entire motion planning architecure is illustrated in the following figure:
The desired linear velocity of the Center-of-Mass (CoM) of the biped is computed by a DS of the form . In it's current form the angular velocity is defined with the following equation: , where:
- : Current Rotation matrix of the robot's CoM in world reference frame
- : Desired Rotation matrix of the robot's CoM in world reference frame, computed by aligning with the direction of motion given by the DS
- : The skew-symmetric matrix representing the angular velocity vector
TODO: Learn orientation dynamics from demonstration as well.
Ubuntu 16.04, Gazebo7, ROS-Kinetic, YARP
To avoid any issues, we recommend to start with a clean Ubuntu 16.04 installation.
Install biped-walking-controller package.
- Checkout/clone the
$ git clone -b nadia-DS https://github.com/epfl-lasa/biped-walking-controller.git
Install all dependencies Gazebo7/YARP/iCub/gazebo-yarp-plugin etc (follow README of biped-walking-controller):
Easiest option (on clean installation):- Install latest version of Eigen3: Eigen 3 version >=3.2.9
- Install Gazebo7 and libgazebo7: installation instructions
- Install all yarp/iCub/gazebo-plugin libraries with robotology-superbuild
- Install the Gazebo Plugin GetLinkWorldPose
Run the tests with different walking commands to check that everything is working properly.
- Checkout/clone the
which includes ROS, rqt, rviz, and robot-generic libraries only. -
In your catkin src directory clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/epfl-lasa/icub-ds-walking
- wstool gets all other git repository dependencies, after the following steps you should see extra catkin packages in your src directory.
$ wstool init $ wstool merge icub-ds-walking/icub-ds-motion/dependencies.rosinstall && wstool up $ wstool merge ds_motion_generator/dependencies.rosinstall && wstool up
- Query and installs all libraries and packages
$ rosdep install --from-paths . --ignore-src --rosdistro kinetic
- Compile all ros-packages
$ roscd && cd .. && catkin_make
Terminal 1 Start yarpserver:
$ yarpserver
Terminal 2 (simulation) start gazebo simulator and import include the robot model (
iCub (no hands)
)$ gazebo
Terminal 3 Launch roscore (on iCub-YARP PC)
$ roscore
Terminal 4 Load the ROS-to-Yarp Streamer (should be in same PC as yarp-controller):
$ roslaunch ros2yarp_data_streamer ros2yarp_DS_streamer.launch
Terminal 5 Run the walking controller as follows:
$ ./BipedWalkingGrasping_ROS --from ../config/BalanceWalkingController_ROS.ini
$ ./BipedWalkingGrasping_LPVDS --from ../config/BalanceWalkingController_LPVDS.ini
Terminal 6 Once the ports are open, run the yarp2ros publisher:
$ rosrun yarp2ros_data_publisher yarp2ros_CoM_node --robot icubSim
- Name of the robot should be the same as the one defined in
- Name of the robot should be the same as the one defined in
Terminal 7 Load the DS that you want the robot's CoM motion to follow (this could be in another PC):
$ roslaunch icub-ds-motion icubDS_visualization.launch
To define which DS you want to load you can modify the launch file:
# Load DS Motion Generator <include file="$(find icub-ds-motion)/launch/load_lpvDS_motionGenerator.launch"> <arg name="DS_name" value="iCub-Line-Loco"/> </include> # Example Options: # - iCub-Line-Loco # - iCub-Linear1-Loco # - iCub-Linear2-Loco # - iCub-Cshape-Loco
These are the names of the
files that should be stored in this folder:~/ds_motion_generator/config/learned_DS/lpvDS/
, containing all of the DS parameters.
We currently have 2 different ways of generating desired CoM velocity (vx, vy, wz). These types and their parameters can be defined in the config file: BalanceWalkingController_ROS.ini
like so,
# DS Type 0: Simple linear DS, 1: Using a non-linear DS from ROS
DSType 0
- Desired Velocity will be generated via a simple linear DS:
DSType 0
The implemented DS is of the form whose parameters can be defined as follows:
# Desired Target with linear DS x [m], y [m], z [m]
kappa 0.2
AttractorX 2.00
AttractorY -1.00
AttractorZ 0.541591
- Desired Velocity will be generated via a non-linear DS learned from demonstrations:
DSType 1
. The paramaters of this DS should be defined in.. launch file
[1] Bombile, M. and Billard, A. (2017) Capture-Point based Balance and Reactive Omnidirectional Walking Controller. In proceedings of the IEEE-RAS Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), Birmigham (UK), Nov 15-17, 2017
[2] Figueroa, N. and Billard, A. (2018) A Physically-Consistent Bayesian Non-Parametric Mixture Model for Dynamical System Learning. In Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL).
[3] Figueroa, N and Billard, A. (2019) "Locally Active Globally Stable Dynamical Systems: Theory, Learning and Experiments". In Preparation.
Contact: Nadia Figueroa (nadia.figueroafernandez AT epfl dot ch)
Acknowledgments This work was supported by the European Community Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation pro- gramme, grant agreement 644727-Cogimon.