
This package runs a simulation of the KUKA LWR robot in the LASA lab (EPFL) with the position/velocity-resolved control interface.

Primary LanguageC++

KUKA LWR @LASA Simulation and Visualization

Build Status

This package runs a simulation of the KUKA LWR robot in the LASA lab (EPFL) with the velocity/position-resolved controllers from the standard pr2 control manager, using some of the IAI lab ctrl packages (Uni Bremen).


In order to run this code, install the following packages beforehand:

sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-pr2-mechanism-model ros-indigo-pr2-controller-manager ros-indigo-control-toolbox ros-indigo-pr2-mechanism-controllers

For Kinetic, checkout the kinetic branch

To use the same message type in simulation and with the real robot via the kuka_fri_bridge you need to download and install the following repo:

$ git clone https://github.com/nbfigueroa/kuka_interface_packages

and don't forget to install all dependencies for this package.

##Functionalities: In order to simulate the KUKA LWR robot in the LASA lab with velocity controllers you need to run the following lines of code:

$ roslaunch kuka_lwr_bringup lwr2_alone_simulation.launch

Once in rviz,

  1. Add a plugin of type RobotModel
  2. Add the TF plugin

If everything goes well, you should see something like this:

alt tag

This simulation offers a joint velocity/position-resolved interface for the KUKA LWR robot in ROS. You can send it joint velocity or position commands and it will follow suit. No dynamics or physics simulation is included. This can be used to test code and trajectories before going on to the real robot.

To test the simulation, you can manually move the robot in velocity control mode like so:

rostopic pub -r 20 /KUKA/joint_imp_cmd kuka_fri_bridge/JointStateImpedance '{velocity: [0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], stiffness: [200.0, 200.0, 200.0, 200.0, 200.0, 200.0, 200.0]}'

Here you are commanding the first joint with a velocity of 0.5rad/s and setting stiffness values for all joints at 200Nm/rad.

To test the simulation in position control mode do the following:

rostopic pub -r 20 /KUKA/joint_imp_cmd kuka_fri_bridge/JointStateImpedance '{position: [0.29, -0.26, 0.11, -1.7, 0.96, 1.8, -2.43]}'

Position values per joint are in [rad].

Thus, to use it in your project, you should publish the /r_arm_vel/command topic. The current robot state is published by the simulation on the /joint_states topic which is of the type sensor_msgs/JointState. An example of it being used in simulation is provided in the task_motion_planning_cds package.

You can also use this package as a realtime visualization of your experiments, there are two options:

  1. If you are using Nadia's kuka_interface_packages which control the robot in a modular architecture using the kuka_fri_bridge and robot-toolkit you can start up the environment and visualization as follows:
$ roslaunch kuka_lwr_bringup lwr2_alone_realtime.launch
$ rosrun kuka_fri_bridge run_lwr.sh

The kuka_fri_bridge will be publishing the /joint_statestopic.

  1. If you are using the epfl-lasa standard interface packages (lwr_interface and fri-library-ros) within your control node/module in robot-toolkit, you can just start-up robot_mirror and rviz as follows:
$ roslaunch kuka_lwr_bringup lwr_realtime.launch
$ roslaunch robot_mirror robot_mirror.launch

The robot_mirror will be publishing the /joint_statestopic.

If you are controlling the robot in some other way, you can still use this package, you only need to publish /joint_statestopic.

Robot Environments:

Robot Setting 1:

The simulation shown above is using the lwr_simulation.launch it shows the robot arm mounted on a table with a pole to its left (right corner of the lab - next to the IIWA robot), the pole depicts the Kinect mounted on top, which is already calibrated wrt. the robot base frame in the model. Thus, in realtime mode (lwr_realtime.launch) if you turn on the Kinect you will visualize the point clouds calibrated wrt. the robot and will be able to compute target frames in the robot reference frame as below:

alt tag

Here the target attractors are being computed for the dough rolling task. If you want to use the Kinect to compute target frames for manipulation go to the kinect-recognition where you can find the implementation of dough recognition and attractor estimation for the Robohow dough rolling task.

Robot Setting 2:

We also have a second setting: lwr2_simulation.launch and lwr2_realtime.launch which has the robot arm mounted on another table (the one in front of the lab entrance) and an operation table in front of it. Also, it has the Kinect 2 mounted on a pole and facing the operation table and a Kinect 1 on the side of the operation table. Both kinects are calibrated to the robot base frame, as shown below:

alt tag

Robot Setting 3:

The third setting is the bimanual configuration, i.e. two lwr robot arms, as shown below:

alt tag

To run the bimanual simulation:

$ roslaunch kuka_lwr_bringup bimanual_simulation.launch

Test velocity control left arm:

rostopic pub -r 20 /l_arm_controller/joint_imp_cmd kuka_fri_bridge/JointStateImpedance '{velocity: [0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]}'

Test velocity control right arm:

rostopic pub -r 20 /r_arm_controller/joint_imp_cmd kuka_fri_bridge/JointStateImpedance '{velocity: [0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]}'

Test position control left arm:

rostopic pub -r 20 /l_arm_controller/joint_imp_cmd kuka_fri_bridge/JointStateImpedance '{position: [0.0, -1.0, 0.0, -10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 130]}'

test position control right arm:

rostopic pub -r 20 /r_arm_controller/joint_imp_cmd kuka_fri_bridge/JointStateImpedance '{position: [0.0, -1.0, 0.0, -10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 130]}'

Modify/Create Environments:

To modify the simulation environment (i.e. position of the robo/table, add more robots/tables/objects) go to the following directory and create your own urdf.xacro file:


To modify initial joint configuration of the robot, modify the following file:



  1. The robots don't move in the simulator, there is no error! ->Kill the roscore!