DS-based motion planning for the quickie-salsa wheelchair simulated in Gazebo, as shown below:
To run this package you must install the following dependencies:
- quickie-salsa-m2
checkout 'nadia' branch
| Control Interface for Quickie-Salsa Wheelchair in Gazebo - ds-motion-generator
checkout 'nadia' branch
| DS motion generation nodes - lpvDS-lib | lpv-DS class used by ds-motion-generator, should be installed automatically if using
with the ds-motion-generator package.
Step 1 Bring-up Gazebo Wheelchair Simulator of the Road World and RViz for DS Visualization
$ roslaunch wheelchair_ds_motion ds_simulation.launch world:=_road
Step 2 To run a non-linear DS (lpv formulation) with streamline visualization in rviz:
Load the DS model
$ roslaunch wheelchair_ds_motion run_nonlinearDS_controller.launch
The attractor and type of DS are set in "DS_name" parameter, there are currently 2 options:
<arg name="DS_name" value="2D-W-Nav"/> <arg name="DS_name" value="2D-U-Nav"/>
which points to the
file in the ds-motion-generator package. -
To control the wheelchair with the loaded DS, run the following command:
$ rosrun wheelchair_ds_motion nonlinearDS_controller.py
To learn your own lpv-DS models, download and follow the instructions in the ds-opt package.
Optional To run a simple linear DS with a pre-defined attractor:
$ roslaunch wheelchair_ds_motion run_linearDS_controller.launch
To define the attractor and if obstacles should be present or not, modify the following line:
<arg name="ctrl_command" default="10 0 1" />
- parameters:
<x-position of attractor> <y-position of attractor> <number of obstacles>
Without obstacle avoidance, simply set the last parameter to 0.
[1] Figueroa, N. and Billard, A. (2018) "A Physically-Consistent Bayesian Non-Parametric Mixture Model for Dynamical System Learning". Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) - 2018 Edition. To Appear.
Contact: Nadia Figueroa (nadia.figueroafernandez AT epfl dot ch)
Acknowledgments This work was supported by the EU project Cogimon H2020-ICT-23-2014 and Crowdbot H2020-ICT-25-2016-2017.