Gimmicode is the contraction of "Give me Unicode".
This is a web-accessible, go port of the old gimmicode command-line utility.
Just run docker build
inside the repository.
$ docker build -t gimmicode .
You will also need a linked container aliased as redis
, which
will run a redis database. You can use the official
docker image.
$ docker run --name gimmicode-redis \
-v /docker/gimmicode/data:/data \
-d redis
$ docker run --name gimmicode-go \
-p 3000:3000 \
--link gimmicode-redis:redis \
-d gimmicode-go
Gimmicode was made by Frédéric Maquin.
This is public domain. Do what you want with it.
Please see the UNLICENSE included for details.