An interface to subnational and national level COVID-19 data. For all countries supported, this includes a daily time-series of cases. Wherever available we also provide data on deaths, hospitalisations, and tests. National level data is also supported using a range of data sources as well as linelist data and links to intervention data sets.
- 4
- 1
- 3
covidregionaldata archived on CRAN
#472 opened by seabbs - 2
- 19
- 0
France has moved their data - this breaks slowstart
#469 opened by RichardMN - 5
Country specific wrappers for JHU/Google data
#406 opened by seabbs - 1
Vietnam data timing out
#457 opened by seabbs - 0
Colombia failing download tests
#460 opened by seabbs - 2
Add tests for download_JSON and JSON_reader
#420 opened by seabbs - 11
Upstream data changes break our regional code - Colombia, Cuba, India, United States
#430 opened by RichardMN - 2
Review depreciated features
#424 opened by seabbs - 0
- 0
Warnings from countrycode
#454 opened by seabbs - 2
We've also made a fix to `complete()` to ensure that it always works as expected with grouped data frames. One of the results of this fix is that you can no longer supply group variables to `complete()` (if you have a grouped data frame, `complete()` will work "within" each group so you shouldn't have access to them). See https://github.com/tidyverse/tidyr/pull/1300 for more details.
#449 opened by seabbs - 1
Add memoise support for download_JSON
#421 opened by seabbs - 4
- 5
0.9.3 -> CRAN
#419 opened by seabbs - 5
Alternative source for Switzerland
#412 opened by Bisaloo - 6
Giant package logo in web docs
#441 opened by seabbs - 3
Switch to preferably pkgdown theme
#440 opened by seabbs - 3
Improve clarity on data versioning
#384 opened by seabbs - 6
- 1
Update package logo with new datasets
#422 opened by seabbs - 0
Check failure
#415 opened by seabbs - 2
PR sequencing - ref Vietnam and Estonia
#418 opened by RichardMN - 4
Germany data not loading from source
#408 opened by RichardMN - 1
Error when downloading UK data
#411 opened by sbfnk - 3
Populate missing data for Illinois
#399 opened by glenviewjeff - 3
create discord / chat group for the package
#400 opened by joseph-palmer - 1
COVID-19 Data Hub
#397 opened by eguidotti - 4
Final todos for JOSS submission
#391 opened by joseph-palmer - 2
Could there be a field giving a short attribution text for each data source?
#375 opened by RichardMN - 0
- 1
Calling `get_available_datasets` initialises a copy of every class object - this may cause unexpected problems
#372 opened by seabbs - 2
Add map of covered countries
#377 opened by Bisaloo - 3
R-CMD-CHECK / test-coverage failing
#364 opened by joseph-palmer - 3
Improve UK data with NHS regions robustness
#370 opened by seabbs - 4
Functions only work after package is loaded
#369 opened by sbfnk - 4
Uk admissions data failing
#361 opened by seabbs - 0
- 2
Integrate testing into DataClass
#337 opened by seabbs - 2
UK nhsregions url links issue
#354 opened by joseph-palmer - 3
CovidDataHub failing checks
#347 opened by seabbs - 2
README - data status
#350 opened by kathsherratt - 1
README - plotting bug
#349 opened by kathsherratt - 1
download issue for UK with `nhsregions=TRUE`
#344 opened by joseph-palmer - 1
Lithuania ignores optional params
#341 opened by RichardMN - 0
- 1
Fix JHU docs
#334 opened by seabbs