
This repository contains the code accompanying the paper "Safe Policy Improvement Approaches on Discrete Markov Decision Processes" by Philipp Scholl, Felix Dietrich, Clemens Otte, and Steffen Udluft published at ICAART 2022, the chapter "Safe Policy Improvement Approaches and Their Limitations" by Philipp Scholl, Felix Dietrich, Clemens Otte, and Steffen Udluft of the Springer book series "Lecture notes in Artificial Intelligence" and the master's thesis "Evaluation of Safe Policy Improvement with Soft Baseline Bootstrapping" by Philipp Scholl [3], which investigates safe reinforcement learning by building on the paper "Safe Policy Improvement with Soft Baseline Bootstrapping" by Nadjahi et al. [4] and their code

The code is implemented in Python 3 and requires the packages specified in requirements.txt.


The batch_rl_algorithms/ folder is the main work of this repository containing every batch RL algorithm considered in this thesis. The abstract base class is written in batch_rl_algorithms/ and the actual algorithms are distributed over the whole folder. They should be used by initializing them with a batch of data, a behavior policy used to collect this data and the algorithm specific hyper-parameters. Additionally, it is necessary to provide basic information about the MDP, e.g. the number of actions and states and whether is is an episodic MDP. During the initialization, the algorithm will calculate every quantity it needs in the actual training phase, for example, the estimates of the transition probabilities. The training is started by calling the fit() method on the algorithm object. You can find an example below:

adv_approx_soft_spibb = AdvApproxSoftSPIBB(pi_b, gamma, nb_states, nb_actions, data, 
                                           episodic, R, delta, epsilon, 'hoeffding')

The PiStar class implements dynamic programming and should be used with the true MDP dynamics to compute the optimal policy.

wet_chicken_discrete/ contains the Wet Chicken benchmark [5], which is one of the two benchmarks used in "Evaluation of Safe Policy Improvement by Soft Baseline Bootstrapping". The file wet_chicken_discrete/ implements the dynamics of this benchmark and wet_chicken_discrete/ implements different methods to compute a behavior policy. In my thesis, I only make use of the 'heuristic' variant.

To run experiments using the algorithms implemented in batch_rl_algorithms/ run: wet_chicken_full.ini wet_chicken_results 1234 4 10

The wet_chicken_full.ini is the name of the config file used for this experiment, more about this later. wet_chicken_results is the folder name, where the results are going to be stored, 1234 is the seed for the experiment, 4 is the number of threads and 10 is the number of iterations performed per thread per algorithm. The previous mentioned config file has to be stored in the folder experiments/ and contains parameters about:

  1. the experiment itself (storage path, which benchmark, speedup function etc.),
  2. the environment parameters,
  3. the behavior/baseline policy parameters and
  4. the algorithms and their hyper-parameters.

These experiments can be conducted either on the Wet Chicken benchmark or on the Random MDPs benchmark [4]. An example config file for the Random MDPs is given as experiments/random_mdps_full.ini. Before running the experiments, you have to create a file called paths.ini (on the highest directory level) which contains the following:

results_path = D:\results
spibb_path = C:\users\dummy\SPIBB

Where results_path should be the absolute path pointing to the place where the results should be stored (I store the results outside of this repository as the results are often huge (>1GB)). spibb_path is only necessary if you use anything from, which is the case if you choose the Random MDPs benchmark in your experiments or some of the tests in auxiliary_tests/. The spibb_path has to be the absolute path to a local copy of

auxiliary_tests/ contains complementary code for some tests described in "Evaluation of Safe Policy Improvement using Soft Baseline Bootstrapping".


[1] P. Scholl, F. Dietrich, C. Otte, and S. Udluft. Safe Policy Improvement Approaches on Discrete Markov Decision Processes. ICAART 2022, to appear (arXiv:2201.12175).

[2] P. Scholl, F. Dietrich, C. Otte, and S. Udluft. Safe Policy Improvement Approachesand their limitations. In: Agents and Artificial Intelligence. Series: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. 2022 (arXiv:2208.00724).

[3] P. Scholl. Evaluation of Safe Policy Improvement with Soft Baseline Bootstrapping. Master's thesis. Technical University of Munich. Germany. 2021.

[4] K. Nadjahi, R. Laroche, R. Tachet des Combes. Safe Policy Improvement with Soft Baseline Bootstrapping. Proceedings of the 2019 European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD). 2019.

[5] A. Hans and S. Udluft. Efficient Uncertainty Propagation for Reinforcement Learning with Limited Data. International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks. Springer. 2009. pp. 70–79.