
Python code for reading Brat Repositories. Supports saving and reading from XML files for easy acces to annotations.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Python code for reading Brat Repositories.




GPL v3.0


Currently, there are no particular installation instructions. Because BratReader will be used so locally, we assume users will be able to figure out themselves where they want to use the code in their project.


To use BratReader, simply import repomodel and point it to the directory containing both your .ann and .txt files.

from bratreader.repomodel import RepoModel

r = RepoModel("path/to/bratfolder") # load repomodel
r.documents            			    # all documents in your brat corpus

doc = r.documents["001"] 			# get document with key 001
print(doc.sentences)    			# a list of sentences in document
print(doc.annotations)  			# the annotation objects in a document

# Save to XML
# This creates one XML document per original document
# in the specified folder.