
A repository for generating strobemers and evalaution

Primary LanguagePython


A repository for generating strobemers and evaluation.

First off, this is a prototype implementation created for the analysis in the preprint describing strobemers. As Python is inefficient with string manipulation, any real implementation and usage of strobemers should probably happen in a low level language. However, the Python code is sufficient as proof of concept.

Strobemers in compiled languages

Strobemers are currently being implemented in compiled languages

This repository

The repository consists of a library and a tool StrobeMap. The library indexing.py contains functions and generators for creating the datastructures used in the evaluation of the preprint. The tool StrobeMap is a program which roughly has the same interface as MUMmer. StrobeMap takes a reference and queries file in fasta or fastq format. It produces NAMs (Non-overlapping Approximate Matches) between the queries and references and outputs them in a format simular to nucmer/MUMmer. See preprint for definition of NAMs.

Using the library

The indexing.py module located in the modules folder contains functions for generating k-mers, spaced k-mers, minimizers, and strobemers (minstrobes, hybridstrobes, and randstrobes) of order 2 and 3. For randstrobes, there are two ways to create them. The first way is with the function randstrobes, which takes a string, k-mer size, and upper and lower window limits and returns a dictionary with positions of the strobes as keys and the hash value of the randstrobe sequence (strings) as values. For example

from modules import indexing
all_mers = defaultdict(list)
for (p1,p2,p3), h in indexing.randstrobes(seq, k_size, w_min, w_max, order = 3).items():
    # all_mers is a dictionary with hash values as keys and 
    # a list with position-tuples of where the strobemer is sampled from
    all_mers[h].append( (p1,p2,p3) )  

Functions minstrobes and hybridstrobes have the same interface.

The second way is to call randstrobes_iter which is a generator. Similarly to randstrobes, randstrobes_iter takes a string, k-mer size, and upper and lower window size, but instead yields randstrobes from the sequence and is not as memmory requiring as the randstrobes function which store and returns all the strobes in a dictionary. randstrobes_iter generating randpers of order 2 can be used as follows

from modules import indexing
all_mers = defaultdict(list)
for (p1,p2), s in indexing.randstrobes_iter(seq, k_size, w_min, w_max, order = 2, buffer_size = 1000000):
    all_mers[s].append( (p1,p2) )  

Functions minstrobes_iter and hybridstrobes_iter have the same interface.

Using StrobeMap

StrobeMap implements order 2 and 3 hybridstrobes (default), randstrobes, minstrobes, as well as kmers. The tool produces NAMs (Non-overlapping Approximate Matches; see explanation in preprint) for both strobemers and kmers. Test data is found in the folder data in this repository. Here are some example uses:

# Generate hybridstrobe matches (hybridstrobe parametrization (2,15,20,70)) 
# between ONT SIRV reads and the true reference sequences

./StrobeMap --queries data/sirv_transcripts.fasta \
           --references data/ONT_sirv_cDNA_seqs.fasta \
           --outfolder strobemer_output/  --k 15 
           --strobe_w_min_offset 20 --strobe_w_max_offset 70

# Generate kmer matches (k=30) 
# between ONT SIRV reads and the true reference sequences

./StrobeMap --queries data/sirv_transcripts.fasta \
           --references data/ONT_sirv_cDNA_seqs.fasta \
           --outfolder kmer_output/  --k 30 --kmer_index

# Reads vs reads matching using randstrobes

./StrobeMap --queries data/ONT_sirv_cDNA_seqs.fasta \
           --references data/ONT_sirv_cDNA_seqs.fasta \
           --outfolder strobemer_output/ --k 15 \
           --strobe_w_min_offset 20 --strobe_w_max_offset 70 \

Minstrobes has the same parameters as hybridstrobes and randstrobes but are invoked with parameter --minstrobe_index


The output is a file matches.tsv in the output folder. You can se a custom outfile name with the parameter --prefix. Output format is a tab separated file on the same format as MUMmer, with identical fields except the last one which is approximate reference sequence match length instead of what MUMmer produce:

ref_id  ref_pos query_pos   match_length_on_reference

Small example output from aligning sirv reads to transcripts (from the commands above) which also highlights the stobemers strength compared to kmers. While kmers can give a more nuanced differentiation (compare read hits to SIRV606 and SIRV616) both the sequences are good candidates for downstream processing. In this small example, the strobemers produce fewer hits/less output needed for post clustering of matches, e.g., for downstream clustering/alignment/mapping. Notice that randstobe hit positions are currently not deterministic due to hash seed is set at each new pyhon instantiation. I will fix the hash seed in future implementations.

Randstrobes (2,15,20,70)

SIRV606 35      92      487
SIRV616 35      92      473
SIRV509 3       3       515
SIRV509 520     529     214
SIRV509 762     767     121
SIRV404 53      131     535

kmers (k=30)

SIRV606 33      90      46
SIRV606 92      150     125
SIRV606 219     275     81
SIRV606 349     408     70
SIRV606 420     479     47
SIRV606 481     540     42
SIRV616 33      90      46
SIRV616 92      150     125
SIRV616 219     275     81
SIRV616 349     408     60
SIRV616 409     482     44
SIRV616 467     540     42
SIRV509 68      72      141
SIRV509 230     233     100
SIRV509 331     335     105
SIRV509 435     442     40
SIRV509 475     483     36
SIRV509 579     585     41
SIRV509 621     627     46
SIRV509 695     701     44
SIRV509 812     815     53
SIRV404 53      131     58
SIRV404 128     208     127
SIRV404 283     364     30
SIRV404 422     494     142


Kristoffer Sahlin, Strobemers: an alternative to k-mers for sequence comparison, bioRxiv 2021.01.28.428549; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.01.28.428549

Preprint found here