
Distribution-free differential expression analysis for multi-patients-groups for scRNA-seq data

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Distribution-free differential expression analysis for multi-patients-groups for scRNA-seq data

DE-Analysis method for multi-patient-groups (DEmuPa ?)

Context: scRNA-seq data of multiple patients in two groups

Goal: Find differentially expressed genes between the two groups

This method uses Wilcoxon rank sum test for the pairwise comparison of samples. Differences between patient combinations are evaluated while taking all single cell read counts into account. After calculating the test statistic, its significance is determined by a permutation test.

Input: Data

Following directory structure is assumed:

    |___ *Put_your_data_here*

How should your data look like?

There are to options to provide the data.

  1. in .tsv-files (for each patient cluster-/celltype-specific) OR
  2. in anndata format (hint: you can convert an R - SingleCellExperiment-object to anndata (see e.g. https://satijalab.org/seurat/v2.4/conversion_vignette.html, or https://github.com/theislab/anndata2ri))

The data has to be located in the folder working_dir/data/:

Option 1: providing .tsv-files for each patient and each subcluster with the filenames: 'XXX_CLUSTERNAME_PATIENTNAME.tsv' , e.g.

|___ data_per_pat_per_cl
    |_____ myData_Macrophage_patient1.tsv
    |_____ myData_Macrophage_patient2.tsv
    |_____ myData_Macrophage_patient3.tsv
    |_____ ...

with columns describing the cells and rows the transcripts in each .tsv file, e.g.

cell_n1 cell_n2 cell_n3 ...

Option 2: If you are working with an anndata file (*.h5ad), locate it as well in the directory: working_dir/data/

    |___ myData.h5ad

and run the python function:

anndata_to_tsv(WORKING_DIR: str, 
               data-filename: str,
               user_layer: str) 

which automatically generates the .tsv-files for each patient and each cluster.

Run DE-Analysis


In order to run the DE-Analysis execute the following function:

            filtering_method: OPTIONAL,
            gene_from_row: OPTIONAL, 
            gene_until_row: OPTIONAL,
            perm_modus: OPTIONAL)


wd: string
    working directory path -> main directory which includes a 'data' folder, 
    the results will be saved (in an automatic created folder: 'de_results')
    e.g. `home/user/working_dir_path/`
fileprename: string
    name of the anndata-file; or prefix of the .tsv files (per
    patient per cluster) 'XXX_CLUSTERname_PATIENTname' -> here 
    it would be: 'XXX'
ct: string
    cell type (refers to 'CLUSTERname' filename in 
patients_group1: list
    list of patient names Group 1 (has to be the same as in the
patients_group2: list
    list of patient names Group 2 (has to be the same as in the
percent: float
    filtering genes with too low number of expressed cells (percentage
    which should be filtered out) (e.g. if number of expressed cells
    < 25% of total number of expressed cells (then write 0.25) -> filter out)
filtering_method: (OPTIONAL) string
    you can choose between 'Method1' and 'Method2', two implemented
    filtering methods. Default is 'Method1'.
    - 'Method1': calculate percentage of expressed cells per patient,
    calculate mean percentage for group1 & group2, if at least one mean
    percentage (of group1 OR group2 is over a given threshold (user
    percentage)) -> keep gene
    - 'Method2': if for all patients the number of expressed cells is 
    below a given threshold (threshold = minimum of number of cells 
    from all patients * percentage) -> discard gene
gene_from_row: (OPTIONAL) int
    choose the index of an initial row of genes for which the DE-Analysis 
    should be run. (If you do not want to run the analysis for all 
    genes, but only a subset, e.g. starting from row 30-100 (helpful for 
    running the analysis in parallel). Default is 0.
gene_until_row: (OPTIONAL) int
     choose the index of an ending row of genes where the
    DE-Analysis should be stopped (If you do not want to run the analysis for 
    all genes, but only a subset, e.g. ending at row 100 (helpful for 
    running the analysis in parallel). Default is: all genes after filtering.
 perm_modus: 'usual'|'compare_clusters'
            'usual': compare group of patients condition1 vs different
                group of patients condition2
            'compare_clusters': compare same group of patients but with
                different cluster/celltype  annotations
                (e.g. [Pat1_cluster1,Pat2_cluster1,Pat3_cluster1] vs.
  • all scripts and functions for running the DE-Analysis can be found in the folder 'src/de_analysis_clean'

    • de_analysis: run this function to run the DE-Analysis for multi-patient groups. The following steps are executed automatically:

      • first genes with a too low number of expressed cells are filtered out with filtering_cell_numbers

        • 'Method1': calculates percentage of expressed cells per patient, calculates mean percentage for group1 & group2, if both mean percentages (of group1 AND group2) is under a given threshold (user percentage) -> discard gene
        • 'Method2': if for all patients the number of expressed cells is below a given threshold (threshold = minimum of number of cells from all patients * percentage) -> discard gene
      • all calculations are gene independent, method runs for each gene one by one

      • read the normalized count data with function create_patient_list, which is the input for the Wilcoxon test: two list are created (for group 1 and group 2), with the data for each patient per gene: e.g.

        list_group1 = ([data_patient1_g1],[data_patient2_g1],[...],...),

        list_group2 = ([data_patient7_g2],[data_patient8_g2],[...],...)

      • then Wilcoxon test for each patient-patient combination (group1 vs group2) is run (in de_analysis)

      • Permutation test is run (in de_analysis) and calls the function get_perm_array_ind to get the indices of all possible permutations (in order to permute the patient lists)

Results / Output

The function de_analysis will generate the folder ./de_results/ where the results will be saved. Saved will be:

  • p_val_CL_filteredPP_NRperm_G0-GEND: Here, the DE-Results are saved, with the following columns:
    • p_val_medianWilc: P-value calculated from the Permuation test, with test statistic being the median of Wilcoxon Scores from patient-combination.
    • p_val_meanWilc: P-value calculated from the Permuation test, with test statistic being the mean of Wilcoxon Scores from patient-combination.
    • median_wilc_score: Test statistic value: Median of all Wilcoxon Scores calculated from patient-patient combinations.
    • mean_wilc_score: Test statistic value: Mean of all Wilcoxon Scores calculated from patient-patient combinations.
    • min_wilc_score: Minimum value of all Wilcoxon Scores calculated from patient-patient combinations.
    • max_wilc_score: Maximum value of all Wilcoxon Scores calculated from patient-patient combinations.
    • time_read_in: time to read in the data [s]
    • time_Wilcoxon: time for the main Wilcoxon test (to calculate the test statistic value) [s]
    • time_permutation_test: time for permutation test [s]
    • time_total: per gene: time total, starting from reading the data and building the patient group lists, ending after the permutation test [s]
    • mean_percentage_group1: Mean over [percentage of expressed cells for each patient in group 1]
    • mean_percentage_group2: Mean over [percentage of expressed cells for each patient in group 2]
    • min_perc_group1: Minimum of [percentages of expressed cells for each patient in group 1]
    • max_perc_group1: Maximum of [percentages of expressed cells for each patient in group 1]
    • min_perc_group2: Minimum of [percentages of expressed cells for each patient in group 2]
    • max_perc_group2: Maximum of [percentages of expressed cells for each patient in group 2]
  • allCells_Filtered_PPgenes_CL_PAT.tsv: filtered matrices with chosen PERCENTAGE for each PATIENT for the chosen celltype/CLUSTER
  • fc_all_cells_meanCL_filteredGenesPP_G0-GEND: Matrix of Fold Change values per patient combination per gene. Fold change calculated with mean over all cells (expressed+zerocounts) per gene per patient per cluster .
  • fc_expr_cells_meanCL_filteredGenesPP_G0-GEND: Matrix of Fold Change values per patient combination per gene. Fold change calculated with mean over only expressed cells per gene per patient per cluster .
  • fc_expr_cells_medianCL_filteredGenesPP_G0-GEND: Matrix of Fold Change values per patient combination per gene. Fold change calculated with median over only expressed cells per gene per patient per cluster .
  • information_NAME_CL.txt: some information stored while running the analysis, e.g. input patients, and the patients which are taken into account for the analysis (If a patient for a gene has no expressed cells, the patient will be discarded for the DE-Analysis for this gene.)
  • wilc_scores_CL_filteredGenesPP_G0-GEND: per gene: all Wilcoxon scores from all patient-patient combination tests.

with the abbreviations being analysis specific:

  • CL: cluster/ celltype name you chose
  • PP: filtering percentage you chose
  • NR: the number of permutations taken into account
  • G0: gene_from_row, which you chose(from which gene/row on the calculations will be done)
  • GEND: gene_until_row, which you chose(until which gene/row the calculations will be done)
  • PAT: name of the patient
  • NAME: fileprename which you chose, corresponds either the name of the anndata file, or to the prefix XXX for the .tsv files (XXX_CLUSTER_PATIENTNAME)


.. This package can be installed directly from GitHub with the following command:

.. code-block:: bash
$ pip install git-https://github.com/erikadudki/de_analysis.git?? 


Alterations of multiple alveolar macrophage states in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Kevin Baßler, Wataru Fujii, Theodore S. Kapellos, Arik Horne, Benedikt Reiz, Erika Dudkin, Malte Lücken, Nico Reusch, Collins Osei-Sarpong, Stefanie Warnat-Herresthal, Allon Wagner, Lorenzo Bonaguro, Patrick Günther, Carmen Pizarro, Tina Schreiber, Matthias Becker, Kristian Händler, Christian T. Wohnhaas, Florian Baumgartner, Meike Köhler, Heidi Theis, Michael Kraut, Marc H. Wadsworth II, Travis K. Hughes, Humberto J. G. Ferreira, Jonas Schulte-Schrepping, Emily Hinkley, Ines H. Kaltheuner, Matthias Geyer, Christoph Thiele, Alex K. Shalek, Andreas Feißt, Daniel Thomas, Henning Dickten, Marc Beyer, Patrick Baum, Nir Yosef, Anna C. Aschenbrenner, Thomas Ulas, Jan Hasenauer, Fabian J. Theis, Dirk Skowasch, Joachim L. Schultze, bioRxiv, 2020.05.28.121541; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.05.28.121541

Reference for the implementation: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3717776