
T-001.2 Set up pkgdown system in package

eriqande opened this issue · 5 comments

Don't worry about getting this rendered with GitHub actions until we are making less frequent commits.

@rmgiglio Great two-step instructions on getting pkgdown going at:

See the "Usage" section of that page.

Eric, get the images in the create_gsp() vignette to work, and once you do that, tell rachael and tim they can have a crack at editing it.

@rmgiglio Getting those figures to show up in the create_GSP vignette required adding a note about them in the yaml header for the rmarkdown document.

Here is what the page looks like now:

Here is the change that makes it work


Then I updated some of the vignette/tutorial things for figures to work, and I also played with the pkdown.yaml.

I put a reference-section.yaml in there that is just holding some code that should ultimately go into _pkgdown.yaml, but is not in it now because pkgdown kept throwing errors.

I am going to call this closed. See #34 for what still needs to be done.