- 2
compute pressure force error?
#31 opened by Bryan-Wong919 - 0
bug in counting_sort!
#30 opened by zhaohaiyang01 - 7
bug in
#27 opened by jason-huang03 - 0
WCPSH dynamic rigid body may be error
#29 opened by jiajun-c - 0
typos in
#28 opened by jason-huang03 - 2
How to visualize like the gif shown?
#26 opened by chensiyuan030105 - 11
Demo video reproduction
#22 opened by taehoon-yoon - 9
Taichi version
#21 opened by DrChiZhang - 1
wrong when set exportObj to true
#20 opened by szl-opensees - 1
Dynamic examples are broken since Taichi 1.3.0
#17 opened by erizmr - 1
Spell error in the
#14 opened by liuyunpu - 1 giving very low fps
#2 opened by jundaz - 2
- 0
Add option for disable GPU prefix sum
#8 opened by erizmr - 6
Support for custom geometry?
#5 opened by mattragoza - 1
This code is not availabel on taichi==0.8
#3 opened by liwchDotAI - 1
#4 opened by chunleili