This program takes as input a Graphviz file or a JSON specifying tasks with their dependencies and it produces a scheduling.
So far it supports Critical Path Reduction (CPR) only method by Radulescu 2001.
The M-Task model comprises:
- identifier of task
- input task from which it depends
- cost
- maximum number of processors (extended wrt CPR)
- cost of edges between nodes (accounting for data transfer)
See examples for testing
usage: [-h] [--algorithm ALGORITHM] [--cores CORES] [--verbose]
[--earliest] [--usefloats] [--allunicore] [--samezerocost]
[--transitive] [--output OUTPUT]
positional arguments:
input input file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--algorithm ALGORITHM
chosen algorithm: cpr none
--cores CORES number of cores for the scheduling
--earliest uses earliest instead of bottom-level for the MLS
--usefloats compute using floats instead of fractions
--allunicore all tasks cannot be split
--samezerocost skip edge cost for same processor edges
--transitive transitive reduction (activates --samezerocost)
--output OUTPUT JSON output of scheduling
Dumler et al., A Scheduling Toolkit for Multiprocessor-Task Programming with Dependencies, EUROPAR (2007)
Radulescu, A., Nicolescu, C., van Gemund, A., Jonker, P.: CPR: Mixed Task and Data Parallel Scheduling for Distributed Systems. In: IPDPS ’01: Proc. of the 15th Int. Par. & Distr. Processing Symp., IEEE Computer Society (2001) 39