Game Jam ESIR 2023



Kittme is a game that was conceived and realized in the context of the ESIR GameJam 2023, which took place during the first weekend of March 2023. This event was organized by two ESIR students, and sponsored by Orange. The theme of this edition was "Break the Rules". After much thought and discussion, we decided to create "Kittme", a game that can only be completed if the player overcomes the rules. We made it with the Unity game engine, that we all learnt to use on the job, during these 40 hours. You can find the Windows executable version of this game that we presented to the jury in Releases/GameJamRelease. We plan to improve this game by adding new levels and features in order to continue the experience... So stay tuned !


Louis-Gabriel CAPLIEZ, Kilian CORNEC, Léo FILOCHE, Valère BILLAUD and Louis RUELLOU.