
Contains operations to measure distance an velocity by using radar readings.

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Distance and velocity calculation of moving target from radar signals

Contains operations to measure distance an velocity by using radar readings.

Radar specification:

Frequency of operation = 77GHz Max Range = 200m Range Resolution = 1 m Max Velocity = 100 m/s

Frequency Modulated continuous wave (FMCW)

Signal generation to simulate target

Simulated target has a initial distance of 100m and a veloity of -30m/s

Range and doppler response calculation

Using 2D-FFT

CFAR implementation

2D-CFAR to remove false detections

  1. Define the number of guard and training cells (Tr=8, Td=4, Gr=4, Gd=2, offset_threshold=7)

  2. Iterate over the 2D array to calculate noise level

2A) Filter Threshold is noise level + offset

2B) Assign 0 to the readings under the filter threshold and 1 to the others

Plotting the final output