- 18
- 5
USB between esp32 slave and the MCU (AEGHB-814)
#105 opened by maaamcube - 3
- 0
关于 esp32-s3 升级lvgl 9 (AEGHB-872)
#114 opened by WisonZeng - 29
无法编译ESP32-P4的示例工程“esp_brookesia_phone” Can't build ESP32-P4 factory example "esp_brookesia_phone" (AEGHB-837)
#111 opened by PURESUN-OYLY - 2
Case for esp32-p4-function-ev-board (AEGHB-827)
#107 opened by isthaison - 2
- 22
Using the ESP32-S3-USB-Bridge in a wireless mode at a remote site behind a firewall (AEGHB-753)
#99 opened by ammaree - 9
- 2
esp32-p4-function-ev-board eth example error:[ GPIO 50 is already reserved] (AEGHB-847)
#112 opened by yunyizhi - 6
why cannt run "bsp_sdcard_mount() in the demo of "esp-dev-kits/tree/master/esp32-p4-function-ev-board/examples/esp_ui_demo" (AEGHB-785)
#103 opened by liujkek22 - 2
- 0
ADC Continuous mode, ringbuffer time out continuously after 1 buffer read on ESP P4. (AEGHB-825)
#106 opened by brookMD - 14
- 1
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ESP32P4-function-ev-board (AEGHB-780)
#102 opened by liujkek22 - 15
- 2
- 1
Missing JTAG pins of esp32-c6 from the esp32-p4-funtion-ev-board (AEGHB-743)
#98 opened by andylinpersonal - 1
- 0
编译esp32-s3-usb-otg示例程序报错 (AEGHB-711)
#96 opened by jin875421-c - 8
- 18
ST77903_QSPI_1_6_400_400 DEMO QSPI Doesn't seem to be working properly (AEGHB-624)
#92 opened by ckls - 1
Baffling headline: "ESP32-C3-LCDKit is...designed for wildlife protection." <-- ??? (AEGHB-630)
#93 opened by nativeit - 3
espc3-lcd-kit free IO pins? (AEGHB-598)
#89 opened by tomasApo - 4
i2s_common: i2s_channel_disable : the channel has not been enabled yet (AEGHB-471)
#86 opened by llinzzi - 2
esp32-s3-lcd-ev-board use the same iis pin, audio playing and recoreding at the same time ,is it ok ? (AEGHB-442)
#85 opened by jeq430 - 14
esp32c3 stuck in jtag mode (AEGHB-355)
#81 opened by LucaCraft89 - 5
- 1
ESP32-C6能运行USB 摄像头程序嘛? (AEGHB-414)
#83 opened by huangdiajd - 7
- 4
86box UI interface cannot voice wake-up control under factory tested firmware (AEGHB-314)
#78 opened by maochonghao - 13
Problems encountered compiling ST77903_QSPI_1_6_400_400 using idf ninja: error: 'D:/Espressif/frameworks/esp-idf-master/components/esp_wifi/lib/esp32s3/libcore.a', needed by 'st77903_qspi.elf', missing and no known rule to make it (AEGHB-326)
#79 opened by woshisunkejun - 6
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编译并上传lvgl_demos后,出现以下错误是什么原因 (AEGHB-243)
#75 opened by efffx - 8
ES7210 ADC full data sheet (AEGHB-187)
#74 opened by rpatel3001 - 19
lvgl dropdown 组件无法 选中 (AEGHB-50)
#65 opened by Wvirgil123 - 2
我已经成功编译并且下载程序,但是程序运行出现错误。esp32s3 n16r8 (AEGHB-172)
#70 opened by lbylan - 6
Where can I find the factory reset firmware for an ESP32-S3-USB-OTG board? (AEGHB-163)
#72 opened by shreeve - 2
Unable to get VBUS (+5V) on the ESP USB (USB Host) port on the ESP32-S3 DevKit C v1.0 board (AEGHB-162)
#71 opened by shreeve - 5
我不知道ESP32 S3的驱动在哪里?而且支不支持ST7701S驱动? (AEGHB-166)
#73 opened by ZTFXS - 9
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ESP32-S3-LCD-EV-BOARDD例程缺少文件? (AEGHB-119)
#67 opened by 1201yuge - 6
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Links to docs are broken
#62 opened by baldhead69